
No one is asking you to forgive him. But presuming that the victims saying that this is a good first step for them is only because of public pressure removes just as much agency from them as the people you see as defenders of sexual violence. You’re not white knighting, per se, but you are arguing that any person that

Expecting that an abuser make his victims whole is holding the abuser accountable. I don’t know what made you think that was somehow freeing him from accountability. Saying “he’s moving in the right direction” isn’t even remotely close to giving him a “free pass”, he’s still expected to keep moving in the right

Dismissing Pray4Mojo’s reply was a bad call. It wasn’t offensive, it didn’t attack or criticise you, it wasn’t in anyone’s ‘defence’, and it’s a valid point - an apology with action is better than an apology without. I have a hard time believing you’d disagree with that.

I’m not criticizing the substance of your article in anyway, I’m just making an editing suggestion. You write “... Ewing claims ... Maya Higa, allegedly responded to his apology and request to work together.” The word allegedly is generally defined as referring to claims of illegality or other bad behaviors. We can

Do you truly believe that no human being is capable of reform? Is turning over a new leaf an incomprehensible concept to you? Have a little more faith in humanity.

It’s extra laughable because Sony has spent millions making sure the Xbox and PC versions of CoD (and other multiplatform games) were inferior due to missing features and content included with the PS versions. Right now PS+ members get exclusives skins for CoD: Warzone.

This isn’t shilling for them, this is pointing out that Sony is pulling out a bunch of paranoid “But they could do this!” complaints instead of anything actually meaningful.  Sony is looking desperate because all of their complaints are being met by Microsoft willing to compromise.  Calling one company out on bullshit

Sony is insufferable. They lead Xbox in marketshare 2:1 or better in almost every market except the US. Hell, it’s more than 95:5 in Japan. They’re just being pissy about a game that has already been guaranteed to be on their platform for more than a decade into the future. All this does is make them look weak,

Oh fuck off, theres no way they knew what your gender was. 

Apologies for misgendering you. Can you let me know your preferred pronouns? They’re not easily accessible anywhere on this site, not even in your introductory article:

Genuinely, that’s what I want. I want my account deleted. So really, you’d be helping me out, a lot, even though you’re being a complete dipshit about it.

Stuff presented here is frequently understated.

Yeah.. they’re glossing over the large number of straight up ‘KYS”, death threat and doxxing attempts that she and Silvervale both received over this. LGBT person myself, and I won’t be touching anything related to JK. But the outright vitriol for clout that these people on Twitter are throwing at anyone who doesn’t

It wasn’t a false flag. This is the same behavior that elements of the Trans community have been engaging in constantly for at least a decade by now. And Rowling has been one of their favorite targets. This was entirely consistent with how they’ve behaved in smaller spaces for ages, the difference was that when HL got

I saw some of the stuff being thrown at Pikamee, it definitely wasn’t “just threatening to unsub”. In both her original tweet and her reply she was constantly called a transphobe, told to off herself, sent death threats, told that she was directly killing trans people, and had trans and ‘ally’ accounts celebrate her

I wouldn't take much of what Sisi says at face value. I'm a queer person, and find a lot of her takes pretty unnuanced. (Which isn't to say I think people should support JKR. I won't be buying this game and tell people I know I don't think they should, either.)

The title of this made me think contestants were accused of assault during filming or off camera but no, they are charged outside of the production. So in honesty the show has absolutely nothing to do with their charges except they once appeared on it. So just what is it that you are trying to insinuate here? 

What on earth is this article? You say it’s steeped in assault allegations and then it turns out to be a throwaway line at the very end where it turns out two (2!%) of the (unnamed) contestants have allegations against them. Is that even higher than the average at all?

It has literally nothing to do with the show, or

Are you willing to do this shit? Because the US left VERY DEEP WOUNDS in South America in the 70's, including dictatorships. And none a single fuck was given to us, even to this day.

Niche? It’s an FPS. It’s basically Russian Bioshock. Not sure I’d call it mediocre either. The graphics are fantastic, the aesthetic is unique and memorable and the game has some crazy boss fights.