
What's so genius about what Google has done here with this doodle is that they haven't made it about Russia, or the cold war, or anything else. All they have done is held the IOC to its own self proclaimed standard. By seeing what things should look like, we're able to draw our own inferences about what they are.

It's grand and glorious. UK Channel 4 have also redone their ident in a rainbow stylie for Sochi. They've also done a fabulous parody advert 'Gay Mountain' which can be found in YouTube. All it needed was a cat overlord to be utterly perfect. Watch it and ROFL.

I'm not a very political gay but this is fucking bad ass. They could not have hit it better. It's exceedingly rare that I'm proud of a corporation... but fuck Google: you guys nailed it.

White dudes are absolutely killing it in 2014.

I give your troll 3/10.

I've never understood how privileged people (white men seem particularly prone to this) can't accept that THEY DON'T GET TO CHOOSE WHAT'S OFFENSIVE TO THE OFFENDED PARTY!! Just because you didn't mean to be offensive doesn't mean you weren't offensive.

Yeah, I get this ad. There has been way too much cancer in my world, but everybody that has had either prostate or breast cancer has won the battle and lived. Pancreatic cancer has killed every person I know that's been diagnosed, and it did so with a swiftness.

I really don't find the ad offensive, I find it terrifyingly realistic. Honestly, if I were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, I'd probably wish I had breast cancer too. It's much easier to cure breast cancer or testicular cancer than pancreatic. Pancreatic is almost always diagnosed very late and survival rates


This is the best. There is no closure in revenge, but there is much peace in reconciling with your former enemies and finding them changed. This is the best possible outcome.

Nope. You can tell that the 260lb 5'4" person is statistically more likely to be unhealthy. That is not the same as "is unhealthy".

Oh my bad. I'm not fully versed on the rules for stupid things.

This poor lady can't win.

Guys, the Biggest Loser is some disgusting and exploitative garbage, and there are good arguments to be made that they're promoting some really unhealthy and disturbing ideas. But let's not concern-troll this woman who we don't know, and whose health we don't know anything about.


Isn't it awesome?!

Good things there aren't gays on this show, though. We're much more difficult to explain to your daughter than late-night ocean sex with strangers.

Stop pissing around. We ALL know this is just some fake ass stunt to make male viewers all hot about 2 very attractive women do stuff for their viewing pleasure. Sound familiar? Yeah cos its not like every fucking thing is geared for their enjoyment. Even lesbian goddamn porn.This is an attempt to be sexual and

Um, those nails. OUCH says this lesbian.