
It's pretty awesome that we can celebrate gay rights like this. Now we should work on being a little kinder to women who are getting older, because there are some pretty crappy things being said about Madonna on here.

You try and be a female pop star over 40 and see how it goes.

I'm sure she was real torn up about singing (the song she's sang at this point about a million times on TV) with living legend Madonna

norovirus is nothing to mess with. Having a split-second to decide which end to aim at the toilet (always the butt!!) and knowing that no matter what, you will have to clean up *something*..... NOPE.

Let me see if I can type out my thoughts on this "ugliness" of which I speak, in a way that might make sense to other people (No promises there):

Yeah, I have to take a step back because getting called a dude repeatedly actually legit hurts my feelings. Ugh, high school all over again. Suffice to say, I'm done for the night. Alot of you raised some great points, and I hope everyone has a great evening.

As a gay man, I've routinely spoken out about sexism within our community. Some of what Rohin writes is spot on; diva worship, unsolicited groping, and the "fear" (read: hatred) of vaginas are all problematic and should rightly be critiqued. However, I can't help but to feel, as another commenter put it, there's a lot

Not a dude, so try again.

"This is the first time I've seen misogyny by gay men addressed head-on." And featured on a site where the membership is mostly gay men, that would be a brave piece.

Absolutely not! But Jezebel readers tend to enjoy pieces about their own oppression, giving cursory attention to articles about marginalized groups. The fact is the straightness of straight women is not some mere factoid, it is a very real privilege that they very really have. Discussing gay men's male privilege on

My goal was not to diminish the author's perfectly valid article, but to remind the straight woman focused website not to get its head too far up its own ass. There's nothing wrong with discussing all sides of the problematic dynamic between straight women and gay men. In fact, I think, given the audience, it's very

"This article is calling out a very visible and specific hypocrisy."

Are you serious? It's like a personal essay contest for stories about bad experiences with gay men. I'm not talking about comments on this thread, I'm talking about other replies to the article. Here's one of the more lovely gems:

Before I officially came out as a trans woman, I was perceived as a typical straight dude because I repressed any and all femininity. But when I was getting closer to actually transitioning, I started allowing myself to express that side for the first time. And of course, people started to think I was a gay man,

To me (and seemingly the other people in this comment thread), the issue is that this post essentially seems to be saying "Sure, the way some women treat gay men is problematic, but the REAL PROBLEM is how gay men treat women."

You are someone whose opinion on here I normally hold with some regard. I really can't agree with your assessment on this article. Imagine for a moment that this article had been written about any other minority group. Would you celebrate an article that claimed Black men disrespect women as a matter of course? What

"Don't you dare say anything remotely critical of how women treat gay men. In this comment section, we can only criticize how gay men treat women. Get out."

I think you believe I'm arguing with you, which I am not. I'm agreeing with you. I think there is definitely two sides to this story. One thing that bothers me the most in this straight women/gay male dichotomy (which I believed someone mentioned above) is when a (straight) bachelorette party comes into a gay club

You deserve to be treated like a fully-realized adult human being! I'd suggest branching out; both the misogyny and the accessorizing seem less prevalent in "umbrella" crowds that include people of different identities.

This is a good point. I lived in Manhattan for years and now live in Westchester County, and I have female friends here that lament the fact that they have no gay male friends because it would be "so fun!".

Thank you for saying this. Women do treat us like accessories at times, and it's very condescending and hurtful. Most of the time, I don't even know how to respond to this kind of behavior, because I wonder if the women who treat me like this even know what they are doing. I guess I just need to grow some balls and