
We should all let Nintendo know someone is using their IP to promote hate lmao...

well it is “free” in terms of just downloading it and then deleting if it wasn't a time worthy investment for real money

a google search will answer your own question but to be fair as of recently games have had much more to offer in terms of character than the past.

Well in terms of God of war I think they added a bit of personality that It didn’t have before. Some complexity. God of war to me was always fun but it never hit any emotional level. I'm excited to see what they do for God of War...but I can agree all the games they presented did have this kind of third person

nah. If anything it still has the soul and has become a bit more complex than murder and kill all the things. It remains to be seen though as the game isn't out yet aha.

I hate to break it to you but technology does and will always constantly get better lol.

because I don’t need evidence. A game in many ways can be like a piece of art. If a bottle of pee can be art then so can a painting of a castle. You can’t tell me beyond two souls is not a game just not your kind of game and I get that. I’m just saying you are limiting it to a box and if t doesn’t fit in the box it is

Lol. I have nothing to say to you but you’re wrong. So many games exist that allow different amount of challenges and ways to play. Pong is a game and Beyond Two souls is a game. It might not be your kind of game but it is my kind of game.

Uh, I have to disagree with you there. You described the entire point of the games LOL. They are trying to be movies where you change events. They aren’t trying to be anything else. I quite enjoyed Beyond Two Souls and Heavy Rain.

...why lol Resident evil has literally done so many different things and went in to straight up action..but this..this will make it not resident evil lol.

VERY TRUE. I love overwatch and I enjoy it for the money I gave but I wont deny that I gave that money for a product that is just the same multiplayer modes over and over...until they add more stuff aha.

lol nah I think this guy will do fine Ima buy all the copies because I love it lol

and I’m sure people in fallout or any other game you just blow their heads off didn’t ask for that either lol. I’m not validating this games existence but Japan is alright with it and they make changes to fit a rating in the west so they can make money from it.

Well you’re wrong because enough people must of bought the first game to warrant Criminal Girls 2 lol. I’m not saying the game is okay nor will I buy this game but all in all it is interesting in how games are “censored” to get to the widest audience it this case for a uh...something boob criminal girl game sounds like they want to change things so they can actually sell it no it’ll increase them aha.

I mean...have whatever view you want..not that I want anyone to hate lgbt..but uh...maybe don't say that to people because you want moneyyyyy? I'm gay and like..that does make me not want to buy your game lol. Granted it sounds like a shitty game even without them deciding to attack users lol...

I still want to see eat well I eat candy and popcorn and pretend for a moment that I might be in a bad movie with orcs and humans

when your ability to write something so simple as “it’s free” I also have the ability to write and respond with what I want. I could of just responded with your house and car must also be free then or I love Mac and cheese or poop is my favorite color but no. I'm responding with respect and admiration for you as a

Troll is troll with some more troll

just because you have no idea doesn't mean you have to accept hundreds of dollars in dlc lol