
I just want it in America. I could care less about the opinions of others. I’ll decide for myself when I get my grubby hands on it x)!

well to say you like something doesn’t make it any less valid than people who say they hate it so maybe many people drew the same conclusion that they had more reasons to dislike it than like it. As long as you enjoy it that is what matters...granted having everyone hate something you like puts it in danger of being

Yeah, a new story where you talk to a guy and run in and explode some demons and then run to a new area and explode some more demons...weird sounds kind of the same???

What do people matter if this game makes money off the death of a child? A memory. A person. What does it matter??!? Isn’t everything using some kind of sad grown work form the fucking past? World war 2 games? Games with any war?!? Games with drama or sex or any violence that could trigger anyone who has expericed

Just make sure the buggy game you bought day one is updated so it isn't a piece of shit later loll

I agree to a point but that that could be the difference to it thriving or not.

depending what the work is? I doubt this mans wife gives a shit if this movie does good or not. She doesn’t have a loved one I’m sorry, I could go without a resident evil movie if it meant a man could be alive...geez.

No...looks turned based to me? And not everything needs to be dark and gritty lol

Persona 5. I played 3 and 4 and 4 golden..just top notch quality all around. The games gave me feels. I loved and felt attached to the characters. I laughed, I cried...just I'm fantasy 13 burned me and I still feel it. I know 15 seems to be a beast and I want to play it...but ugh! If I had a

But isn’t that always the case? “You don’t have to buy it. No one is making you buy it” you are absolutely correct but they way it was designed was so you’d more than likely just buy it because of the unrealistic amount of time it would take to reach a certain goal. Not just in GTA but across a lot of games. A bit

They’ll care when enough people don’t give them money.

And you can thanks to it being all over the place

Destiny is a game where you give your life force in the unit of time. Like that movie “time” or something with Justin timberlake and his hot mother who tripped and fell and ran out of time. After you give it your time it gives you back a false sense of satisfaction in the form of jelly belly laughs with your friends

Whoa how rude. I love it. Good job Nomura!

Weird because I'm all for the changes!

Honestly I don't think that is true. I feel like in a way superman might feel more helpless because even him being a God doesn't mean he can save everyone or prevent people from dying...I see him more interested and kind of neglected lol.

Their business runs on the people willing to buy in to what they in many ways if they burn enough Bruges with this every same people they need they'll be in trouble lol.

But...doesn't several stories of them exist already???? Like why cry over spilled milk. They'll go with this new direction and end and then move to a new direction...different cycles, new fans. No big deal lol.

So...we have super mutants that chop people up and eat them, your child stolen and husband/wife killed, giant lizard death claw monsters, synthetic beings, raiders who will attack you on sigh, ghoul zombie things who used to be people, I mean for god sake I found an alter with a sacrifice, and everyone is nuked, dying

To some degree, you are correct, but you have to start somewhere lol.