
3D can not truly die until this comes out:

My school always taught the sky was a shade of purple, but our eyes could not perceive the actual color and instead could only see the blue light?

Are they still planning on having that small box to hook up to the TV?

@Brazell: Take it back to Verizon and tell them the keyboard is not working well, and they should trade it out for another one, yes it may be a refurbished unit, but at least it will be working.

@Arthur Hagman: They started shipping yesterday, with expected delivery in stores later this week.

Maybe he read your post from yesterday and became confused?

Did they say when ESPN was starting?

So, there's Skype which let's you video chat between pretty much anything, including TV sets.

@Standish: The fact sheet says that the power supply is smaller and more efficient...not interchangeable with the original 360's .

So, it is approximately 5x the average distance between Starbucks locations?

Is this going to have the free portion also, or just the paid "Live" portion. This was (the only thing) great on my voyager , I could play all the disney channel shows for the kids without any additional cost.

What about iLife'10?

@jodanlime: Fitting in the pocket wasn't the problem, finding a 4 mile long cord was the difficult part.

@tomsomething: But for some reason the police just didn't believe that I was only using the Grey Goose to clean my sunglasses...

You can also just spray some water under the feet of the appliance, that way the clean up is easier.

@PhishsBrevity: I had the Voyager and bought the Droid on launch day. I am soooo happy with the switch. The web pages load fast and the touchscreen actually works, I don't have to keep pressing the same area over and over to get it to unlock or move ( have you used VZnavigator and tried to move the map? sometimes