
Cooking with Dog is an absolute must for lockdown blues.

My favourite stupid thing about the Phoenix Stupid Law Land is that whoever the prosecutor decides is guilty is guilty until you can prove someone else did it.

I wasted time and effort clicking, reading, and then composing a whole comment about how much this website sucks now. The website is the one with a problem, not me.”

Jesus, suck it up, it’s a pandemic, nobody gives a shit about your fake condition, a headache won’t kill you, but Covid might.

Hey who needs men to be dismissive of women and their achievements? The Jez gals will do it for fun!

Maybe its because I’m not American so i missed out on that “quintessential snapshot of American” but LiS2 was the biggest, misery fest slog I’ve ever played through. Maybe this one will be ever so slightly more cheerful?


I’ve watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer about 7 times now and man is that show firmly OK.

You can dive off the top level cliffs as well :)

I’m not American, but the way I’ve understood it from Americans I’ve seen talking about it:

This is the strangest hill to die on.

It looks really pretty and unique! You can tell that the animation has taken a lot of influences, and made it into it’s own distinctive style.

A somewhat popular game reviewer did a fairly negative review of the game that used these phrases, so you can expect to see them parroted frequently by guys who don’t really have their own original thoughts. They don’t know what it means either.

Some people don’t read books and get all their stories from video games and it’s SO obvious.

I refuse to play any game that lets a character I like die. I read spoilers of all games, and if a character I think is a good guy dies* then I refuse to play it. I do the same for movies and tv shows.

Lol, I’m sorry comments like this are so funny. “So much for respecting your audience”


But I’m a cheerleader showed me a film where the gay people were allowed to be happy and witty and funny and could be the butt of the joke and still the victors.

I love these comments, because making sad little misery sacks Big Mad is exactly what she wants, and you guys just keep pufferfishing and giving it to her.