
In one of my two accidents in the past month, the girl asked me if she messed up her car but never asked whether I, the person she rear-ended, was OK. I hate people.

I got hit twice in the same week this October by distracted drivers and while I do not know whether they were distracted from using their phones, I will never use mine while I drive again because I have this superkeen sense of everyone's poor driving decisions as of late. Everything freaks me out.

I took the generic Gianvi for almost a year after taking Yaz for a year without any side effects. I had to switch pharmacies because of some insurance bullshit and just started taking Loryna (the other yaz generic) this week because that is what the new pharmacy provided to me. Here's to hoping it doesn't make me

I feel as if they are required to ask about the donation, not required to collect one.

Sounds like a fun car! My Civic wasn't totaled so I didn't have to buy anything new but I would have considered a P5.

Aw. Don't be sad. I just prefer the gun metal shown in the original post.

When I was a teen we moved from CA to OK and our pets flew with us. On a small commuter plane between Dallas and OKC, we could hear the dogs crying in the cargo hold. It was so sad, you can't hear them on the jumbo jets. They had to have been so scared. We spoiled them so much afterward for making them go through

The dog in this photo looks like my labbe, Wren. This story breaks my heart.

Agreed. My dad taught me well. He is a former mechanic with a discerning eye.

Already did. No thanks.

Turbo charged AND that shade of blue? Swoon.

Oh, totally. The stories these guys were telling were redic. If the price had not been so good at the dealer, my dad would have tried to buy one from a private seller. But he got it for below blue book, below edmunds, and below NADA so he was satisfied with the deal. And he financed with his own bank so they were

Add some fritos and I've got a piece of land to show you...

He was originally told the car was purchased at auction and that the dealership owner was going to keep it for himself but decided not to...

"We're losing money selling this car to you at this price."

"week to weak"

Speak volumes about American society, doesn't it!

I don't think they're that hard to tell apart. But I do admit not evening noticing that there was full-blood coca-cola in the work pop fridge because I was looking for the iconic red can.

Ah, good or' american engrish.
