
Oh, I totally agree. This is part of the reason I bought a Honda and not a Ford Focus when I was car shopping back in the day. The realiability of Japanese cars pairs well with their gas mileage and that wasn't lost on an 18-year-old me.

I'll second this.

My '04 Civic LX coupe is stock, no vtec and actually really freaking fun to drive, as a daily driver anyway.

Reminds me of my mom's Concorde. It is also a '96 and still kickin'.

I love my '66 Mustang to death but I'll be damned if I have to drive it on Oklahoma's sand-blasted highways for more than 20k miles per year just to look like a "car guy." The road damage a commuter takes is the only reason I have an '04 Civic.

Or just take care of your car and be lucky not to get into any wrecks.

Because wagons are a rarity in Oklahoma and the stupid photog who wrote the caption is obviosuly not a jalop.

Tulsans scare the crap out of me and I drive 20+ miles each way to work from OKC to MWC daily. I see a lot of scary driving. Tulsa's is still the worst. And the awful roads only compact it.

@IFTNFS That's what I like to hear!

Can you even get an Altima with a manual tranny?

What. Is. That. From. ?!

You're saying it correctly. :)

My friend Rhiannon, the only other Rhi I know, was named after the fairy tale. :)

I shall claim her as my mini-me. Don't tell anyone. :)

Mostly correct. The -on sounds a bit more like -in, but only because my parents are from Ohio. ;)

Isn't there some sort of psychological theory about men who are accused of being gay when young and then going one of two ways 1. actually coming out or 2. being flamboyantly straight to make up for all those confused years?

I know! My boss says "Ree-on-in," like the song. Surprisingly more people my age (20s) say my name correctly than the people who grew up listening to the song. :)

I am not Welsh at all but my dad LOVED Fleetwood Mac. My middle name is more commmon, in fact, most of the girls I was friends with in HS share my middle name. But it is also my Aunt's first name so going by my middle name was never something I considered although that was my parent's intention, had I hated being a

Two awesome names!

My name is Rhiannon. And, despite the fact I am named after an awfully popular classic rock song, my name is rarely pronounced correctly on first try. And, I have been mistaken for a man on basis of my name only.