
Bag is definitely a giveaway. I guess the best advice I can give if you're trying to pronounce it with the short a is to pronounce it like "bat" or "band" and just change the last consonant to g. It's a really simplistic way of looking at it, but that's always been my way even in learning other languages (finding


Girlfriend mostly got rid of her accent, but it comes back when she spends a lot of time with her family or watches Sweet Home Alabama. It's funny, because I probably wouldn't even notice it anymore if it was constant.

No one bats an eye? Come on. My old boss was 60ish when he had a baby with his late-30's wife and everyone at the office had something snarky to say about it behind his back.

I wondered when it would happen to my generation.

The general opinion of Beyonce is that she does everything right, which is why we're supposed to find this charming. But it's not.

For real, though. A celebrity wedding-crasher has to have some seriously high self-regard to think, "I'm going to make their day complete—watch this!" Rude.

Rude, exactly!! If I were a celeb who had even a shred of compassion for the mortals, I would turn and run the second I suspected a wedding was within a quarter of a mile of my person. Even if the bride and groom were fans, I would assume that they would not want the unexpected excitement and stolen attention that my

Am I the only person who would be pissed if a celebrity stumbled upon my wedding? Like, that's the one day that you get to be the star or whatever (within reason). If Benedict Cumberbatch or whoever just whimsically stumbled upon my wedding and responded kindly to the guests flipping out, and I had to just go along

Seriously. If Beyonce crashed my wedding, I'd pretend not to know who she is.

Stole that bride's spotlight. Rude. Seriously, I'd be mad. Only two people would be allowed to crash my wedding: my dead father and Bill Murray.

I think this whole celeb wedding crash is tacky. Like if someone famous showed up to my wedding I would be so pissed. Like bitch it's MY DAY GTFO!

To the people who object to this: Do you want to take the chance that you are going to have sex with someone who is not 100% consenting? If the answer is in any way "Yes", you need to take a good, long look at yourself.

If you have to call something classy, it ain't classy.

"On behalf of
(Mother's name)
and the late but much loved
(Father's name)
you are cordially invited to attend the wedding of
Other Person."

You could try "You are cordially invited to the wedding of
McCoy's Mistress

I worked at a pizza place when I was a teenager. It was owned by a Greek family who were all somewhat recent immigrants - none had been born here, so I imagine English was not their first language. They were whatever to work for, but they always acted like I was stupid because I couldn't figure out half the buttons

I used to say I was allergic to celery because I didn't like it. I was, however, 10 years old. While I'm positive every adult I told rolled their eyes behind my back, it was an effective way to avoid being forced to eat my most hated of vegetables. If you're a grown ass adult you can just say "I don't like that, I'm

The customer who walked in with three kids, sat at a table and asked one of my servers, "Do you guys have nachos?" (I'd like to point out that he would have walked directly by the sign on the front of the building that read "authentic Italian thin-crust pizza") The server informed him that we did not, but we did have

I feel like it's weirder that the guy didn't read the menu at the pizzeria, rather than automatically assuming that an 'authentic Italian thin-crust pizza' place wouldn't have them at all. I mean, the place DOES sell taco pizzas, which I've certainly never seen in Italy, so I wouldn't really hang my hat on using the