Probably a terrorist posing as a hokey family reunion host.
Probably a terrorist posing as a hokey family reunion host.
Well, that doesn't mean she tried to get pregnant. ;) Sadly, a lot of women don't know how their own bodies work. Better sex ed badly needed!
Clearly your friends have never tried to get pregnant. Anyone who has struggled with infertility will assure you that a fertilized egg is NOT the same as a pregnancy. The egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube, and then takes 5+ days to travel down into the uterus, where it may or may not implant, i.e. burrow into…
I'm not sure whether this is true, but if you google "Kendall Jones green hunt," you can find a statement that this girl posted to Facebook. She said that the rhino was a green hunt, meaning that it was not dead, just tranquilized in order to draw blood for DNA samples. She did shoot the lion in an enclosed area, but…
Yes, trading in a 5-year-old car for a brand new car and some leftover cash can be a sound financial decision. I also think the author was wrong that she would have needed to make car payments on a new car, since even a used low-end Mercedes sells for more than a new Versa. Keeping the Mercedes wasn't necessarily a…
Even assuming she had the lowest-end model of Mercedes, she could have gotten $15K for it, like you said. She might have had a much nicer model, and in that case she could have gotten upwards of $30K for it. I got a new Honda Fit this year for $17K including tax, title, everything. Toyota Yarises average $15K, but you…
It sounds like you're doing great. I don't know a single adult who resents their mom for working full-time. My husband was raised by a single mom and he gets teary-eyed every time he talks about her taking on extra department store jobs around the holidays to buy the kids Christmas presents. I think that as long as a…
I can't even find my own posts! Just the popular ones.
I completely agree that we should think twice before making value judgments about poor people's choices. There is evidence that poverty puts stressors on the brain, which alter our decision making capacities. This often manifests in people prioritizing short-term pleasures over long-term savings: the ultimate sin…
It all becomes clear if you think that they just want to punish women for having sex. No birth control because it allows "consequence-free sex." No abortions because children are punishment for sex. No public assistance because then the child isn't a punishment. It's completely heartless, but it's consistent.
Ha, I thought it was the opposite. Let's consult the Google.
I also find the "crack" trend annoying, but putting the name aside, crack pie is something special. It's possibly the best dessert I've ever had. Also, the creator of crack pie isn't white (Korean-American).
That's a relief!
Noooooo. I wouldn't even want my kids to see other students getting paddled, let alone get paddled themselves.
Corporal punishment might be legal in some states, as in, no one has brought a legal challenge to old laws and so they technically remain on the books. But do public school teachers actually use corporal punishment these days?
Well, looks like it was someone's idea of an artistic representation of a weird corporate team building exercise, so it sounds like you weren't far off.
Slow news day?
It's not true of Santa Fe, which is notoriously wealthy. There is a large class of service employees living in Santa Fe to support the upper class members' and tourists' lifestyles, but Santa Fe also has one of the highest (possibly the highest?) minimum wages in the country. I don't think there are more single moms…
Yep. I live close to Santa Fe, NM and have no idea why this would be the case. Explanations sorely needed.
Yeah, I liked a lot of things about living in MA, too. And I 100% support Deval Patrick. My crankiness was directed at the OP's post, not him! In any case, let's all give a big middle finger this week.