
a thing called Fringe Festival just happened in Minneapolis and I saw a play called Craigslist: Not a Musical. It was based on real Craigslist ads.

Sean combs waxes his balls. Granted that is only one person, but it is still someone.

well, I like to keep my ladybits nearly hairless but I let my legs grow wild and free. Some women are comfortable with their body hair. Even if they mess with it!

see I tried a full Brazilian two years ago and it was horrrrrrrrrrrrible. mid wax I told her, “NEVERMINDJUSTDOTHEOUTERTHIGHSDONTMAKEITABRAZILIANOWOWOWNOTABRAZILIANICHANGEMYMIND!” it barely hurts at all on the outermost thigh parts since I’ve waxed there many a time. but that center area where the hair is still full

you can just buy this and it will do mostly the same thing. and you will save many dollars.

do you, or anyone else, know what was up with Bob Ross? Did he get a perm to make his hair look the way it did? I’ve always wondered about him.

I hadn’t even heard that term till this article. my uninformed gut reaction... only Jewish people get to say it? yeah I guess I’ll go with that.

dammit I just realized you are the same person I was talking to earlier about that bread recipe! sorry, just shared a recipe with you even though you don’t bake. oops!

I have not yet tried this recipe, so to recommend it to you is kind of silly, but this woman’s blog is really solid. She is a former lawyer and can be just as anal about perfecting a recipe as she would be about a contract.

WAAAAAT! that bread is so good. I don’t understand you.

red tomato sauce is boring. combining the two types of sauce is gooooood. are you into sun dried tomato alfredo? I AM.

Are you into baking? because good gluten free bread can be done. it just goes stale really fast. I think the stuff in the store might have started out acceptable and then gone stale during shipping and is now just crusty and dry.

I recently found a recipe online that is excellent. The annoying part is that it ages so much faster than regular bread. Apparently that’s just what gluten free bread does, store bought or homemade, it all goes stale fast. I guess that explains the gluten free bread in the store, it went stale during shipping. anyway,

It takes a certain kind of personality to be able to brush things off. A Cop needs to be able to hear a person complain that they are annoyed without FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. we need mature people for cops and I just don’t think that’s who we have.

If Dracula can have Renfield, then Nessie can have her guardian family.

It can be hard to tell the size of something when you are viewing it from a distance, so I assumed the 13 foot catfish theory is true and people just aren’t that great at estimating size. That and there probably wasn’t anything right next to said giant catfish in the water for a size reference :)

I did that as a child but mine also contained American Cheese. I don’t know if that’s better than plain Miracle Whip, but that’s what i liked.

You can put garlic in peanut sauce and it’s very good. but of course peanut sauce also contains some soy sauce and red chiles. so.... not the same.