Cat Tarsus Sinus

Who cares? Pratt is garbage.

See also: abandoning pets, shooting animals for the giggles, and flashing his Parks and Recreation co-stars during a take and then finding his written reprimand from NBC hilarious and framing it to hang in his house. Pratt is human trash. His worst Chris moniker is well-earned.

That joke might have landed if not for the fact she’s with Warner Bros., not Disney. Should we get you an airbag?

Hrm. Rose Gilroy seems to have zero experience writing films. She seems intelligent, but with $100 million in just the rights, Apple is taking a very big chance on an unknown.

And yet, once the babies are actually born these people stop giving a crap. Hypocritical loons.


AITA, like antiwork, is essentially a sub for creative writing exercises these days.

Ina Garten blew off a Make-a-Wish kid. There's nothing calming about her.

Kids like this add no value to society.

I'm pretty sure the searches in this state are more along the lines of 'how to get away with murdering people who give out Jolly Ranchers on Halloween' as opposed to 'Jolly Ranchers are yummy and the greatest Halloween trear EVAR!!!1!!!'.

He has also abandoned senior pets and happily admitted to killing animals for fun. Not exactly harmless.

That was like a horror movie teaser. A little blood dripping down the screen at the end and it's complete.

We can’t just forget these past incidents and paint Fieri as some sort of folk hero:

Thank you for calling it an ice cream machine and not the McFlurry machine, as so many others are. Also, I haven't been to McDonald's since I got food poisoning so I was unaware how often those darn machines were down.

Too bad there was no one who could stop Florida’s anti-trans athlete law. DeSantis and his cronies are pure frigging evil.

He admits to shooting animals for fun and has abandoned pets, including a senior cat. Those both rate pretty high on my 'bad guy' meter, even discounting the church situation.

*Speed Buggy

It'd be nice to be able to visit or be visited. It's error message Christmas around my island. Nintendo says it's because I modified my Switch, which I most certainly did not do. Very frustrating. 

I think the cane was Churchill related (bulldog + the voice + John telling the story of the time he met Churchill's ghost), but I don't remember anything from the comics. It might be a Legends special. 

I was thinking 'So Close', myself, but 'The Heroic Trio' is also excellent. :D