I prefer giving the boring answers. It usually guarantees there won’t be follow-up questions.
I prefer giving the boring answers. It usually guarantees there won’t be follow-up questions.
I had slightly less disgusting experience in 2001 when I decided to eat the gum included in a pack of 80s trading cards.
It was S.H.Figuarts that got me. The rabbit hole has no bottom. :(
You and me both.
It darn sure does.
Very briefly at one of the E3s in Atlanta. I think it was ‘97, if that was the year Nintendo built the Arwings in their booth.
Yeah, but Johnny Young Bosch is a nice guy and JDF is a tool.
Thank you! That is now my personal belief on how Warhammer 40k gets started.
My stepfather used to eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches, except he always replaced the peanut butter with mayo. That’s right, mayo and banana sandwiches.
I have to disagree with you here. Grape jelly/jam/whatever is pretty gross. Strawberry or blackberry are the only available options in my house.
Unlikely, but I hope this place is popular enough that the glasses from the Panty & Stocking line get reissued. I missed those the first time around.
That was my thought, too.
Fist-pumping Superman up there looks like he has a leg where that raised arm should be. Nitpick aside, those are pretty nice looking figs but I’m not sure they’re $60 a pair nice.
Kay-row or Care-row, depending on who you ask it seems. That’s Georgia.
Ha! I forgot about Albany, that always cracks me up for some reason. I wasn’t familiar with the others. Ah, Georgia.
Kay-row is what I keep hearing from my co-worker from there. But I’ve heard Care-o while actually there. I expect it probably depends on the person. They certainly seem more accepting of those kinds of variations than saying it like Egypt.
Cairo, GA, too. They get really pissed if you pronounce it like Egypt’s capital.
Inferiority complex.
It’s probably the recreational hunting, not the abandoned dog. Maybe you should invest in a brain?