Cat Tarsus Sinus

Not to belittle anything Chris Rock says, but I would really like to see people acknowledge that this is more than a black and white issue. Asian, Native American, Latino, South Asians, etc. are also being screwed out of roles and equal pay by a non-white phobic Hollywood.

Some idiots played mailbox baseball with mine a few weeks ago so I feel your pain. Stop by Home Depot, they usually have some on sale. ;)

I love it when people reference You Can’t Do That On Television. It’s always nice to know I’m not the only person left with oodles of fond memories of the show.

Does Tyga actually want what’s best for his kid or is this just an opportunity for revenge against his ex? I see a lot of comments about him being broke (K-,uh, whichever, leasing her own birthday present, etc) and that combined with the probable outcome of dragging his son deeper into the Kardashian quagmire, just

I do hope someone, somewhere, pointed out to Dax Shepard that we’re not really in the year 16.

“using what Segal calls “strategic concealment” to hide the parts of her body Playboy would once have laid bare.”

No, I don't.

I guess I’m a supermodel. I’ve been fighting a cold for the last month.

Holy crap. That Amber Rose picture looks like it’s been post-processed to hell and back.

Exactly. “The customer is always right” is the rallying cry of entitled assholes who heap abuse on the heads of service industry employees because, most of the time, said assholes are special snowflakes who’ve never worked a day behind a cash register (or the like) in their life. I did twelve years of retail work and

Chyna is “strongly implying” that whoever packed her bags is responsible for dropping those pills in, partly because “she would have no idea how to get ecstasy in pill form, even if she wanted it.

Except they’re both outside the selective service registration age range.

I guess there must be something wrong with me. My pants are still clean.

I wanted to make a pithy comment about how shocking that sounded, but then I sadly realized that there are far too many people to whom that actually would be a revelation. :(

No word for sure if she’s coming back, but according to interviews a storyline has been written/is being written for Paris.

I just treat it like any other day. It’s surprising easy to ignore all the nonsense.

Isn’t this pretty old news at this point? I think io9 covered it last year.

This makes me sad. Not because a dudebro shark got chomped, but because maybe they have too many sharks in the space available. Poor little captive critters. :(

Good old Rin of the Heavenly Wind Star. :)

Seasons: spring, summer, fall (autumn for those so inclined), and winter.