Cat Tarsus Sinus

What is this deceptively delicious looking concoction?

I don’t understand the Chipotle worship. I had my first two visits to that place in the last couple of months and I was far from impressed. The food was overpriced and, at best, mediocre. How does it rate the crazy adoration I see online?

I’ll never look at Zingers the same way again. :(

She’s all kinds of amazing, isn’t she?

With all the hurricanes, hasn’t my hometown suffered enough? Seriously.

First Angus Scrimm, the David Bowie, and now Alan Rickman. 2016 has not been kind thus far.

Now playing

Rita Moreno! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss! I will adore that woman for all of eternity. I could raid every thesaurus on Earth and not even begin to touch on how amazing she is.

There is a missed opportunity here to have her lips inflate into airbags.

Me, either. She isn’t the least bit entertaining. ‘Beloved’, really? I almost spit out my drink at that part.

Does she admit stealing her look from virtually every Star Trek alien ever?

At first I thought I would primarily be watching this because of Matt Smith but, holy crap, that trailer was absolutely riveting! I will watch the ever-loving heck out of this.

We need the Winchesters, stat.

This seems like a clear case of retaliation for her bruised ego.

Eckerd! Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long, long time. A long time.

Plenty of kittehs like swimming. How else can they execute their amphibious assaults when the landing ships get hung up?

Joanna is killing it tonight, too.

I knew the Gawker participants were going to get some Reddit jabs in somewhere. Get some new material, folks!

I knew the Gawker participants were going to sling some Reddit jabs in. Get some new material, people!

Stassa is winning the live blog, methinks, hands down.

At least in the header image Lindsay is starting to look like Fergie.