
I disagree. I think the issue is with guardians and adult creators, not child performers, but I want to discuss my way there.

She sounds bitter. Her early interviews were about how much she wanted this life, how she loved performing and all the things that fame brought her. She blames everyone but herself. Her parents worked their asses off to give her the career she wanted, even moved to where she wanted to be to pursue her career. I don’t

I think that if ANYONE in the GOP tries to do that again, they will be quietly disappeared by the so-called moderates in the party. The only way he ends up being out of the job is if/when the Democrats retake the House... and I don’t have high hopes in their ability to actually do that. 

If the DOJ had performed their sworn duty and arrested the treasonous insurrectionists leading the Republican Party, this wouldn’t have happened.

But they were rich and famous at the time so it’s okay judge them! It’s not like they were two ACTUAL teenagers who were scared and didn’t know what to do. Money and fame buys you wisdom, right?

“This is not the first time the Gaza Strip has been attacked by Israel.” In fact, Kylie Cheung, Hamas has initiated every single conflict. There have been 15 ceasefires with Hamas since they came to power, and Hamas has violated every single one. As a journalist, it is your responsibility to conduct thorough

I’m a little pissed The Root shut down comments rather than work harder to shut down the disingenuous posters. I thought the flag/dismiss options were there for a reason. Also pissed at people who couldn’t seem to ignore them. Not to compare it to the shutdown of the comments on Deadspin, but that’s two sites here now

They could do something. They just won’t.

Any word on how many of the Israelis killed in the initial terrorist attack were pregnant? Or how many women suffered shock and lost their babies?

I’m really tired of her being the victim for everything that’s happened in her life. Yes, she is a train wreck of a human being, and some of things that happened to her were done by those who controlled her life, but at some point she has to own the choices she is responsible for. She didn’t get pregnant against her

Justin Timberlake & Britney Spears are like the tragic Millennial version of Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez.

The same people who believe in microaggressions and pronouns are not on the side of the tiny sole Jewish country in the WORLD surrounded by Islamic countries hell bent on destroying it and murdered 1,500 Israelis in a massacre reminiscent of the Holocaust? Why am I not surprised. You are disgusting 

Hamas intentionally uses women and children as human shields so they can cry crocodile tears about how women and children are being targeted.

Just how fast are they getting pregnant?

“...poor fucking Britney” makes me laugh. Nothing was done to her that wasn’t done worse to anyone else. Its funny that JT is blasted for writing a song about their breakup, but there are hundreds of songs written about someone doing someone else dirty - Taylor Swift, Fleetwood Mac, etc etc. Britney did a lot of drugs

I know someone who was raised in a very conservative Christian house and (surprise!) became pregnant at 15. She ended up carrying the pregnancy and giving up the child for adoption. That decision caused serious emotional trauma and you will not convince me that her life would have been far better off had she not been

Wow I can’t believe there are consequences for having a government run by a terrorist organization.

DeSantis is an idiot, but your argument is wrong. The word “antisemitism” was coined by Wilhelm Marr, a Jew hater himself, to mean hatred of Jews. People who argue otherwise help to diminish the seriousness of Jew hatred just as much as people like DeSantis who make ridiculous statements like he did. 

And this came at a time where openly supporting massaccurring innocent Jews is considered appropriate, objecting to it was not. And the history of progressive supporting this goes beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In Jersey City three years ago, a black woman openly supported the massacre that took the life of

This is horrible and the killer should go right to gas chamber. That being said, it’s kind of unbelievable how one sided the coverage of this issue has been on this site.