
This is all over the place, which is pure Drew. What she doesn’t explain & what a lot of people might not care about either, but most of the daytime shows are not covered under the same types of contracts. That’s why shows like The Today Show, Good Morning America, & The View (to some point) have been able to run

This article reads as horribly tone deaf to the ACTUAL plights of humanity in favor of populist branding.

There is absolutely no value created on EITHER side of this debate by her show coming back. But being in a contractually bound situation with millions of dollars and your own livelihood on the line is not a hill to

If she’s not using non-union workers to do union labor, how is she scabbing? Talk show host are also under a different SAG contract than the actors on strike.

Barrymore might have stumbled with her words, which is most likely a pre-curser to what “life without writers” might look like, but who is she supposed to apologize to?

Justice moves way to slowly in this country. He should have had all his assets seized the minute the verdict was handed down, lost his radio show, and had any further income garnered to the point he was practically homeless and had to go on welfare and live in section 8 housing. The fact he’s still allowed to bloviate

Every corporation expects to continually increase it’s profits and expand every year. This is unsustainable, eventually the entire planet will be controlled by a single company. 

Just cancelled my Max subscription. Fuck this attitude and the idiots it came from. Max is putting out garbage content like reality shows and The Idol and expects me to fork over more money for it? Absolutely not.

Short of collusion between streaming services to all raise their prices

Used to love HBO but since they rebranded I have basically no reason to watch it. There’s literally nothing on there I like anymore since succession ended. 

These people are truly the death of art. Why would you devote your life to this industry if you hate its ostensible goal so much?

I ditched mainstream media so long ago it’s hard for me to conceive of the fact that there are people out there still having content served to them vs. going out and tracking down exactly what you want to watch at any given point in time and watching that. I was staying with family for an extended stay this summer

The good news is, WE HAVE ENOUGH CONTENT NOW thank you very much. I haven’t even seen The Wire, so I could easily die without getting another damn sub.

From my perspective, they have already destroyed the HBO brand as far as streaming is concerned.

This content drop and raise prices? I'll just go back to pirating thanks. 

Ahh, the streaming industry. Turning pirates into paying streamers, and then turning those streamers back into pirates through greed and avarice.

I would drop Max if they raised prices. The app has become borderline unusable since the update, just from a technical perspective, and the flood of garbage reality shows that get pushed to me when I do open the app now is actively making me use it less often. Were it not for the HBO and TCM content I would have

given away well below fair market value

And they wonder why piracy is still rampant.

The additional of ALL that Discovery garbage has made what was a middling service into dumb reality programming. I understand people liking cooking shows, no issue there, but the other crap?

“We see that some people can still afford rent and food, therefore, we must not be reaching deeply enough into everyone’s collective pocket.”