
Thank you. That statement was shocking to read. Do I think mothers with addiction issues should be prosecuted? No, I do not. Do I think we need to acknowledge the consequences of a mother’s substance use while pregnant? YES. The solution is education, not to absolution.

I’m not going to begrudge any grieving family their perfectly understandable desire for vengeance after having their children ripped away from them by this absolute piece of shit. Nevertheless, I’m anti-death penalty. I think it’s barbaric, I think it can’t possibly be applied in a fair manner, and I think it can’t

How common is it that a non-celeb gets admitted to the hospital for “dehydration” and/or “malnutrition”. This happens to celebrities all the time. Is it because I’m too poor to go to the doctor and don’t have an industry predicated on keeping me alive and commercialized? Or is it something else?

I wish I could feel good about this, but it’s pure fantasy to think he’ll ever have to pay anything. He’s a white male with a massive fanbase ready and willing to be grifted on a regular basis. His lawyers can appeal and delay this indefinitely.

Baby, karma is not real. 

If dealers wanted kids hooked on fentanyl, they sure as hell wouldn’t make them look like SWEET TARTS. Everyone knows that trash candy gets shoved to the bottom of the candy pile and then forgotten. By the time kids get desperate enough to consider Sweet Tarts for their sugar rush, it’s blessedly already time for

“If one child dies from this on Halloween, I gotta tell you, we have to take action to stop this right now,” Trump said.

This isn’t a contest. 

Dude clearly needs mental health help. He is so far gone that it is fucking sad.

It is what he wants. He wants the world to know that he hates Jews people, and thinks they are not to be trusted. Let’s stop trying to sugarcoat it or rationalize it.  

If you think that Sanders or most socialists are arguing “ that women’s health issues aren’t an economic driver in decision making” you really have no idea what you’re talking about-- especially since the op-ed in question argues that they are.

It’s wild how all the people pointing this out are grayed, while all the people who didn’t read the op-ed have their comments featured.

Kylie Cheung’s analysis of Sander’s op-ed piece is wrong and her framing is bad. For those of you who didn’t read the article:

Yes, I’ve flagged the guy calling me an N-word a bunch of times, I don’t know if dismissing it removes it from the Kinja system so I’ve opted to leave it for now. If someone brings them out of the greys, then I’ll go ahead and dismiss the thread. 

Who from West Virginia do you think would replace Manchin?

As someone who has a lifetime 100% pro-choice voting record, and is outraged by the supreme court’s horrific decision to overturn Roe v Wade, there is no question but that Democrats must continue to focus on the right of women to control their own bodies. This is a fight that most Americans want us to wage and, given

Read the op-ed instead of Kylie’s misrepresentation of it. He never once said that abortion isn’t a key issue. He says the opposite of that. He also never says that abortion isn’t linked to the economy. He’s making an argument for tackling more than one issue so the party reaches more voters. That is all. Anyone

They’re still pissed an old white Jewish man dared mess with Queen Hillary’s ascension. 

A cursory read of the op-ed shows that this article misrepresents Bernie’s whole argument. He’s very clearly saying abortion is a key issue that should be discussed, but it taking issue with some political consultants telling the Democrat leadership to focus only on that issue for the final push of the election, which

Putting aside that Shatner’s actual point is kind of getting ignored here - there is absolutely ENORMOUS benefit in space research for us down here on Earth.