
Thomas was on the men’s team for three years, so any physical transition is just now underway. She also has made her biological female teammates highly uncomfortable by walking around the locker room naked, with male genitalia on full display. 16 of the 30 women on the team sent an anonymous letter to the

I keep waiting for the Fox News idiots (in light of how this scenario utterly destroys their bullshit “good guy with a gun” argument) to say something like “well what can you expect from *Hispanic* cops” or something to that effect. I mean, I wouldn’t expect them to be *that* bald-faced, but who knows, they’ve been

Much like rule 34, where if it exists there will be porn of it on the web, there is also a rule that if it exists, a minority of anonymous users will display bigotry towards it on social media. No matter who it is.

I’m going to say that someone named”Jasiri X” is probably not going to be the most unbiased source of information as to why Blacks are not enthused about voting Democrat this year.

Most of the police force is Mexican American themselves

I love that when conservatives talk about the mental health crisis in the United States it has nothing to do with increasing access to care or anything like that... it’s about making sure people know that the mentally ill are DANGEROUS! “It wasn’t that man’s guns that killed those kids it was his mental illness.”

This is not a “phenomenon” limited to the Star Wars community, or Zack Snyder movies, or any other niche fanbase. Racist people are literally everywhere, and it’s not like racists don’t like the same things non-racists like (except, you know, minorities). We need to stop with this framing of “You know how these Star

Oh yeah- well there’s so many men (and women with easy periods) who don’t understand how bad intense cramps can hurt. And the functional level of “well you’re still standing” only helps so much with chronic pain bc some people just get used to operating in pain

Are people seriously complaining about their age gap? Seriously, she’s almost 30, how long do you guys think it takes for women to grow up? Aren’t we supposed to be feminists?

Some women have really really bad cramps. I don’t know why but I feel like women’s issues like cramps are always on the buner of medicine. 

Sure, but that does not mean that she should be allowed to participate. It also does not mean she should necessarily be excluded either. I know in running that transwomen who have been on the hormones for a period of time compete at gender level. However, I have no idea if that applies for swimming.

“Ever the advocate for legitimizing women’s pain, CNN framed it as such: “Menstrual cramps  derail Chinese teen’s French Open dream in loss to Swiatek,””

Well that’s all great. Good for her. But she doesn’t have to compete then, either. Like that is not part of her “transition.”

I mean, ok? 11 years means a lot more or less depending on the actual ages of the people involved.

A functioning police force is an unavoidable part of any stable society, and there’s really no way around it. They haven’t gotten rid of the police in those suburbs people babble on about how “no one sees the police” and they haven’t gotten rid of them in EU countries with more sensible gun control and lower rates of

A bunch of comments from people who have no idea how law enforcement works can’t be taken seriously. It’s easy to take the worst incidents of any profession and say that they are not needed (doctors, teachers, social workers, etc. ) because of their poor performance in a particular situation. Not one person commenting

I’m not sure this is the case to make this argument. 

Of course Conservatives are going to spin this to promote their agenda of basically getting rid of public schools. If no one is educated, and they can guarantee the white Conservative kids will basically receive the Christian equivalent of a madrassa education, then the poor kids won’t stand a chance and will never