
And how much is Jezebel donating to these clinics?

Ugh the least this asshole could have done was offer free tickets to Thomas and Alito. Major fail

Lol is that supposed to make us feel better? No no, it's ok that she's senile cause there's plenty of senile senators!

It amazes me that Kelsie helped with his defense, accepted money to pay for her lawyer, knowing he was trying to pin it all on her. And fuck Kylie, Rihanna, Gabrielle Union, etc for all turning on Meg and supporting Tory

Our justice system is ridiculous. It's absurd for cases to take a decade. I can't imagine the stress of having something like that hang over my head for so many years. Even the Hunter Biden stuff, the prosecutor says the investigation is still ongoing in spite of the plea deal. It's been 5 years already. Why does this

I don't mean this to be snarky, but what charity work do they actually do? Who has been helped by their work? It just seems like they want to be seen as charitable people, instead of actually doing the work.

I’m curious what these 2 do in an average day. I genuinely don’t understand why they couldn’t handle 12 episodes of a podcast over multiple years, with like 3 times the staff of an average podcast. And Harry going on about taking parental leave when his daughter was born... like dude, what work are you on leave from?

Yea I keep hearing people say it marked the true end of slavery, but slavery was still legal in Delaware and Kentucky for another 6 months, until the 13th amendment was ratified. Why not that day for a holiday?

Yea as someone who watched OZ as a little kid, sexuality and nudity aren't particularly shocking anymore 

Y’all should check out The Transformed Wife page on Facebook. I’m fascinated by it. It’s run by a woman who posts multiple times a day about how women are nothing more than servants for their husbands, it’s a sin for women to work, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote, etc. Normally these types of views deeply upset me

I’m much more disturbed by Hollywood's and the public's adoration of Tom Cruise, including on Jezebel. Oooooo he does his own stunts? He's essentially the head of a criminal organization/abusive cult where small children are separated from their parents, people go missing, people die in their "rehabs" and don't forget

They weren't cops. The root (shockingly) screwed up. From what I gathered, it was just 2 random black guys that they now say they can't prosecute because the cops investigating are racist 

I haven't seen in any other reporting that the suspects were cops, just that the cops who investigated were part of the racist texts. It's not mentioned in the NBC link you provided. Might wanna fix that??

Yea they certainly didn't write snarky articles every time Ilhan Omar found a new husband to introduce her kids to

Maybe Boebert and Omar can start a club of trashy, horny, homewreckers

They could try it again, but I can't imagine they would. He's now a convicted rapist and the prosecution isn't going to want to devote more resources to this when he's been convicted of multiple crimes already. 

They knew what happened when Brian came back from the trip alone. Gabby's parents repeatedly reached out to them and they ignored them. Honestly, I feel for Brian's parents but it makes me sick thinking of Gabby's parents desperately calling them and they did nothing, because they didn't want their son going to

Something help me out here. How was that TLC contract legal? I was under the impression laws were changed after a number of high profile child actors had all their money taken by there parents. I thought TLC would have to pay each family member individually. And the fact that TLC didn't have to pay the kids once they

Uhhh her senility has been the topic of conversation well before she got shingles and subsequent complications. It's just made the senility worse 

Why do these two keep getting awards? What "work" have they actually done to help individuals or causes? They got an award a year or so ago for something to do with sustainability by only having 2 kids. Seriously? There are people who devote their lives to causes, but these 2 keep getting awards thrown at them for