
It is. Search Youtube for Italians saying those words.

You can do a search on Youtube on how to pronounce words from native Italian, Spanish and French speakers and Brits are mispronouncing Carlos, Taco, Pasta, Monet. etc. They’re much closer to the American pronunciation. No idea about twat.

It’s not with a flat A. I used to live in Italy and it’s a broad A- approximately the way Americans say it.

Stanhope is not “being a bro” and he’s not a liar. Jokingly taking blame for this is exactly Stanhope’s style if you know his comedy. I know him somewhat. He’s a mensch. I believe you about Louis CK.

Stanhope was fucking around. It’s not him.

She didn’t post it. Someone else did.

Why? A white lady already whooped her ass.

I almost get that joke.

This was not about Stanhope. Did some of you miss this article? You need to go down the internet rabbit hole to get the whole story.

Yes, exposing your genitals to an unwilling participant is against the law.

Right? Ridiculous.

Are you seriously saying that no dog is too aggressive to be homed? GIve me a break. Just because one dog can be worked with doesn’t mean another can. Some dogs are so messed up they need to be placed with professional trainers or euthanized. I worked for years at a no-kill shelter and everyone there recognized that

Thank you for posting this. I used to work at a shelter and I completely agree. This shelter is embarrassed than they adopted out a troubled animal and they’re trying to put the blame on Lena.

The one drop rule is no longer a legal principle in the US, actually.

Exactly. Thank you.

Sorry, that’s just not true. You may not be Native American LEGALLY speaking but your genes still are what they are regardless of what man made rules have been set up. And plenty of people have have Native American ancestry because a family member has had a consensual relationship with someone of a different

Check your facts please. A majority of prisoners executed in Texas are white. It’s more likely that she’s a woman and jurors and judges have a hard time handing death sentences to women.

To be fair, she was pretty well destroyed before his death. The conspiracy theories are crazy, though.