Its like an abusive husband after he hits his wife. "Look what you made me do!"
Its like an abusive husband after he hits his wife. "Look what you made me do!"
Voter suppression and violent raciam has been going on before Trump. Trump is a symptom of a larger political and racial problem in this country not the cause. He is terrible but this has been happening before him and will happen after. This country is founded on racist and bigoted principles. One white man is not the…
*Puts on my centrist democrat hat*
Yeah I doubt Teddy “honor the unions or I’ll nationalize coal” Roosevelt would want much of anything to do with the GOP post Nixon.
You have far too high of an opinion of the American electorate. Oh my god. This is peak bourgeois liberalism. Keep going high when they go low and running to the center friend and see how easily he gets reelected in 2020. See how very few moderate Republicans crossover and how much of the dem base feels…
Yeah but green industry doesn’t have the money to write campaign checks. This is capitalism. Everything revolves around money. Right or wrong, good or bad, doesn’t play into capitalism like everything else. If it makes money now its right and good. Capitalists capitalize on and exploit the needs of the proletariat.…
Well half of what they say contradicts my bible and the other half of what they say would make my taxes go up if we listened to the experts who think they are smarter than God. Is the Republican mindset.
Screw her nobody messes with my Community peoples. If she keeps it up the whole study group will be on her ass and she’ll be getting dragged like the Schmitty she is. That is one bunch that is streets ahead in the solidarity game.
Long term I want a global proletariat revolution that results in the dismantling of capitalism followed by an interim term of a vanguard party redistributing wealth and the means of production to the people followed by a redistribution of power and the dismantling of the state resulting in a liberated society free of…
Uhh Melania has her outfits mocked! Her outfits! I bet she feels like she's been shot in the face because so called feminists won't defend her. #melaniatoo
GOP: *tries to ban Muslims* *opens kiddie prisons* *laughs at sexual assault victims on national television* *threatens to beat up campaign opponent* *snuggles up with white nationalists*
They are nearing a trillion dollars. Where does all that money go? Something fishy has to be going on because the DoD acts like they are constantly on the brink of homelessness.
A bunch of peasant farmers in Vietnam beg to differ.
The world already knew. We aren’t the only country with an intelligence apparatus. And contrary to patriotic propaganda we aren’t the bestest in the whole wide world at everything so these other Intel agencies find out what they want to find out on the reg just like we do about other countries. But since we meddle in…
Like maple syrup, Canada’s evil oozes over the United States. I don’t want my children pledging allegiance to the maple leaf. I don’t want mayonnaise on everything or winter 11 months of the year. Anne Murray. All day, every day. You Canadians and your action figure of a prime minister must be stopped. Your bacon is…
You need a majority to do that which we don’t have and even if we did we would need a party line vote if Trump forced the issue which we don’t and won’t have because of guys like Manchin.
Here is the kick in the vulva with Manchin and Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh has been ruthless with unions. WV is, and this includes many many republican voters in the state, extremely pro union. A lot of blood has been shed in WV for the right to organize. My grandfather's oldest brother died at Blair Mountain. UMWA, the…
Its only bad when Democrats do it.
Huh, I knew they both played football but didn’t know both played in Florida. Ron Simmons was a big dude. He didn’t have those pretty flexing muscles. He had rip your arms off and throw you like a javelin muscles. Now there is a guy who in his prime could’ve played John Henry.