Catniss Meowverdeen

And they only get better with age.

I think you’re confused about what is and isn’t trolling.

Literally nobody cares what you think about her tattoos.

no one is accusing you of trolling. we’re just commenting on your shitty take on what you think looks good on a woman’s body or what she “should” look like. you’re a regular commenter. this is like bad takes 101.

Not a troll, just didn’t like your take.

All that ink seems a bit much

Folks tried, and tried, and tried, and tried to educate you. Since that failed:

Dude. You don’t always have to be right. Instead of doubling down, you can learn more about a thing and go, ohhh, I thought I did, but I didn’t fully understand a thing and you have educated me and now my opinion has changed.

What part of Kal Penn being openly critical this whole time don’t you understand?

So you expected the entire government and all government workers to immediately quit? Fuck all the programs, jobs, and millions of people they help—just quit and let it all burn down. That certainly is a road that some people in some positions can take, but not everyone. Stop acting like these people are at all some These are not people who supported him in any way. They had jobs to do, and wanted to leave their jobs in the proper way, as everyone else before them, without causing too much damage. Cisum88note above explains that in detail.

These are people who stuck around to to save what they knew would be on the chopping block or ignored. Kal Pen has openly tweeted against Trump this entire time. They just reached a point when it’s time to encourage others to abandon ship in hopes of sinking him.

In the words of Tucker93 above:

I fucking love it, and the sad part is that it shows the people who penned it should have been on any reasonable administration’s arts council.

Holy shit, it is. I thought you were joking, but it’s totally an acrostic. I guess that’s what happens when you get a bunch of arts majors to write a resignation letter.

As it goes for the business advisory councils, so it goes for this committee as well, and anyone else that’s along for the ride on the Trump train. You all knew who he was before you accepted your role on the committee, before the events of this week, before the inauguration, before November, before the nomination,

The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”

Thank You...

You are projecting a lot on a very neutral and straight-forward headline, friend.

because Page Six clicked publish, and then i clicked publish

What do you think it says about you that you read a story about a woman and two children who’ve lived for a period of years deprived of their freedom and contact with the world around them, and your only impulse is to co-opt their suffering in service of some petty and racist trolling?