
Whats more awkward is having a girl like you; and having no fing clue what her names is.

You can always place a piece of paper on your tablet/screen and trace it. Which I suspect this person did; looking at his youtube upload he has no other drawings.

US government has US recruiters going to poorer less funded high schools getting those minorities to fight your wars. Then when they come back they get hated on because racist immigration issues pops up every election time.

While I agree playing video games is probably not good for your mental health; we are much better than Rome. Where they got entertainment from seeing people fight to the death. (oh wait we have two wars; with Americans wanting to murder all Muslims....)

Played the Mario 2d game on 3ds beat it within 1 day.

Yawn this game looks way easy. Probably finish it in 3-4 hours top.

Not all Gasoline has the same quality. This should be removed; don't be a fool and buy some cheap/ unknown gas. Might end up with a messed up engine like my brother did.

Any coward can hold and shoot a gun. You can thank the government for allowing the gap between poor and Rich (which out of all modern developed nations) is the damn highest in USA. What a damn shame. When USA finishes collapsing you can bet all hell is gonna break lose.

Wear a belt when ever possible. Good protection. Dog comes close to bite; smack it hard on the face.

Eww pickles are disgusting abomination to Cucumbers. Nothing beats sliced Cucumber steamed or broiled.

or you could just buy a damn tiny oven....

The software maker for the default windows 7 defragger is part of Scientology; I wouldn't be surprised that has some secret backdoor.....

Steve Jobs should understand this man his biological father gave him life to chase greed.

Wonder why so many people are having cancer? Must be all the GM food; the chemicals and what have you.

The military contractors need money.

Its called self-control. Some people will never understand it.

Its called a style moron. Maybe if you had any idea about creating some art/video games you would understand.

Best course of actions is not allowing rich people to own these animals in the first place. Dumb Americans.

Can't; or can not.

I can use dropbox on windows , mac , linux, mobile.