
As someone who worked at a FL DMV, this is bad and I didn’t work as a clerk, but in IT. There is a reason dealers are required to do this as parts as transactions and within time periods. Bigger dealers do title transfers and such if they have the personal and proper equipment. Small dealers bring the deals to the DMV

Uh oh, somebody’s going to be very pissed

What’s the argument for this bill? Is this just a naked attempt by car dealers to have less liability, or is there actually some justification they’re spinning for it?

Roland Emmerich finding out about this, two weeks before his “Something crazy is happening on the moon” disaster movie comes out:

I really wish we funded this stuff at even a 1/10 of the military.

Its all a scam. They are either in on the initial scam and expect to flip the thing to idiots looking to buy anything crypto related. Investors currently drop a ton of cash on anything even cursory blockchain related so there is a good chance this pump and dump is going to make them plenty of cash. Honestly

I’ve seen that Joe Rogan is astrology for white dudes... but this... this will be added to the list.

This is the part I can’t wrap my head around.  I can’t grasp why the people buying the NFTs think it’s the same as purchasing the copyrights.  Most of these sales explicitly state you’re not buying the rights to the work.

‘NFTs are just beanie babies for people who get mad whenever there are black people in Star Wars movies’.

We’ll never know because Tonelowke was arrested for asking a minor to rub themself while he watched.

Yeah, my sympathies are with the people who paid (a lot—they’re not cheap) for epi pens to save their lives and didn’t get them, not with the vandals and thieves that _really_ need a hit of meth and trashed the life-saving pens. They’re not stealing food and blankets to care for their families, they’re just stealing

I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.

Why don’t y’all just do a feature called “Ask a Trucker”? I’m sure I’m not the only one on here who drives commercial truck for a living; I’m also a driver trainer. 

Like, is it me, or are NFTs just another fucking pyramid scheme?

Maybe it’s just me, but I read “play to have fun” as “PlAy To HaVe FuN.” It’s nice to know what the heads of these companies think of the people who keep them swimming in cash.

Fuck off.

Would you have preferred that the absolute monster Trump won?

He should be made to clean up the mess by himself, carrying parts of the plane to the nearest road to be trucked away.

2021 version: you died of a vaccine preventable disease because you don't understand the wealth of information at your fingertips.

The Oregon Trail is now celebrating its 50th birthday and, in fact, the first video game franchise to survive half a century.