
This is where I learned that NFTs are completely dead 

Technically,  you don't lose money until you sell it. Theoretically you can hold on for 30 years until someone makes a museum of the worst decisions of this century and you can sell it to them. 

A fool and his money....

Give Father Ted a try, if you haven’t.

I could either send a quick email or strap on a VR set, wait for it to log in and then have a virtual meeting?

I read somewhere else that they had won 300,000 total over a few years. Plus they had sponsorship deals.

If you shake them up and down you’ll see the true face of God. He tells you the exact time you will die.

$70 is fine for a polished, immersive gaming experience. $70 is far too expensive for a buggy, half finished pile of garbage.

Outside of science fiction,  why try to make a humanoid robot?  Unless you're dealing with stairs, wheels would make a better method of transportation. It would be cheaper to build a ramp than to try to get a robot to balance. 

They’re pretty good. But, damn they're expensive.  Plus they got rid of their ice teas. I don't drink soda and I'm not paying $3 for tap water. 

It would be nice if we could just finish it and use it as housing.  

I bet they constantly complain about fuel prices.

This is going to be like all the other abusers. It's a an open secret for a decade and then the even worse stuff comes out later. 

Literally all she had to do was apologize and stop tweeting. Disney was prepping to make a Cara Dune spinoff.  At minimum,  she could have done that for a couple seasons and she could have done conventions forever.  But, she chose hate over money. 

Someone finally figured out a use for an NFT that didn't involve crime. 

This might take off in some future time when we have computers in our heads. But right now, I use Facebook because I can play around for a few minutes and put it back before my boss sees me. I can’t do that with a VR rig.

If the game is only a few weeks from launch,  you'd think they could find a backer for the last push. Another game company,  or investors. My guess is that they're a lot farther from completion than they let on. 

I bet he had a couple of bang snaps. You could easily conceal them.

It runs like Scrat

They should just declare him the Grand Champion. Then delete his account.