
Stone Mtn. in Georgia would be more appropriate.

Wind’s Nocturne from Lunar, Silver Star story. 

At what point does grave robbing turn in to archaeology?

It has to taste better than turkey bacon. 

AOL was my first browser. I didn’t leave their ecosystem for my first month because I thought each webpage charges you a fee to browse them. 

I would recommend putting the phone in a zip lock bag to save on clean up.  

I have no where better than my savings to keep my money. Interest rates are crap because our president owes too much money to let them rise. 

Maryland Redskins would be more geographically accurate. 

There’s some pissed off dude who ordered a cabinet and wondered why he got a child instead. 

Is he any good? His plan should have been to buy a more modest PC. Around $2k and later, get sponsors.  

Bejeweled 2 was my dad’s favorite non slot machine game. They did well.

This reminds me of the time I was at an Applebees. Some lady came in and set her Pomerian on the bar. The Bartender asked what she was doing and she said it was her service animal.

If Trump knew what Twitch was,  he would be pissed.  

Coleman makes a nice stand up gas grill that folds down for easy storage. I’d recommend gas over charcoal. It’s easier to set up and take down and it’s heats up faster than charcoal. When you don’t want to wait an hour before you can cook. 

Coleman makes a nice stand up gas grill that folds down for easy storage. I’d recommend gas over charcoal. It’s

Doctor Dre was able to return to his true passion of thoracic surgery after his rap career. 

They aren’t denouncing her racism. They’re denouncing how public she is with it.

No. They all closed in Minnesota and I really like the restaurant that took the pot closest to me.

Donald Trump, the man who doesn’t know how to use spellcheck, assumes that another man his age is an AntiFa super soldier.

A leaf hopper (small insect) alive in a salad at an Italian restaurant. I assume that it’s because the back door was propped open.

If the build quality is nice. I’ll probably get the yellow one. I loved Shining Force.