
Now, let's see if anyone on here actually does what the anti-Jez people think we do, and find a way to blame the man for this.

YES. I love Beyonce, but come on. She has a team of really fantastic song writers and producers behind her, and a lot of what makes her music great comes from them. That doesn't diminish her accomplishments, but please. Beck does just about everything himself.

I like Kanye's music and I think he's really talented, but he frustrates me as a person. Maybe he's not as bad if you really know him, but he seems to have a habit of trashing other artists which is such a dick move.

"And Beck needs to respect artistry and he should've given his award to Beyonce."

So going around trashing another artist to make your point is "respecting artistry"?? Ok Kanye. Sit the fuck down.

Lies? Fuck you. I will absolutely not let Ferguson go, nor should any of us. What happened there — both the murder, and the psychotically unhinged police reaction in the weeks and months that followed — was unconscionable.

You know what? As a now-white person AND a Law Enforcement person, I actually can see a good thing about this guy: he's the kind of person I love in my job, who spares me of several minutes of "He did", "I didn't", and go straight into doing the very thing he's being accused of, right in front of me and several other

Yeah, I can't really even formulate a response to this - it's just that horrible. That man is just pure evil bile.

Holy hell, fuck that guy indeed. Although I do really appreciate it when hateful piles of shit can't keep the hate inside and shoot themselves in the foot. This woman deserves an award for super human restraint.

Told her, "I have a place I would like to take you where I hung your grandpa."

The headline loaded first and when the picture popped up I was like "well, that's exactly what I expected him to look like." Sometimes stereotypes are mind-blowingly accurate.

I...what? WHAT?

Or I don't know. Play with him? Exhaust him with those flying toys? Something. The cat's "crazy" because he's bored out of his fucking mind.

The one thing that slows ours down (they're all within a month of one another in age, and will be nine this summer) is their fear of our rabbits. Even the dwarf, who weighs a kilo at his pudgiest. They're terrified. Two of them are also afraid of the gerbils and the guinea pigs. (We are very very careful, because we

Seriously. That cat needs some shelves she can be on, and LOTS of heavy-duty active playtime with her human.

I literally said "get this cat a kitty superhighway!"

My cat has gone bananas lately and we think he might have cat dementia. He has just gone very strange and yowly and perplexed. He's sixteen so I defend his right to be old and weird if he wants but I wish he wouldn't do it when I'm working from home/trying to sleep/in the same house as him. He's so shrill and

Meh, my cat was like this but only for like 20 minutes at a time, once or twice a day. It was hilarious and adorable. I think this cat is awesome.

My cat could learn a lot from that cat. My cat hasn't done jack shit for a long time. Got a mouse last year and she still resting on those laurels.