It should. It totally should.
It should. It totally should.
My hair is neither curly nor straight. It's that horrible in-between wavy, but it doesn't wave in any kind of orderly fashion. It's as though I inherited all the cowlicks ever in my genetic pool, and though it is thick and I don't worry about bald spots, the baby fine texture means it air dries in a clumpy sort of…
Your mom sounds amazing, and I hope she finds an answer that really helps her pain. People who are able to keep going despite pain and not take it out on others are priceless in this world.
This is beautiful, and I think wedding fairs might have improved, which is terrifying given how mind-numbing this sounds. My husband and I went to one wedding fair during the 90's. We got married in 1994, and got a huge a wedding planning book and free session with a hypnotist, which turned out to be hilarious for…
OMG, how awful for your mom! One of the kids I taught in preschool had permanent brain damage from having been shaken when he was three. He stuttered terribly and couldn't do simple tasks like stacking blocks or counting up to ten. Head Start used to, not sure if they still do, test the kids at the end of each…
I also shake the shit out of him and forcibly relocate him, mostly because he doesn't fucking listen and if I have to ask you to go brush your teeth for the 20th time at 9 p.m. I'm going to LOSE MY FUCKING SHIT.
When my son was little we used timeout because he loathed having to sit down and do nothing. One minute per year of age in a chair facing a wall. I rarely had to send him to timeout. As he got older, things changed. We've always been big on giving him an allowance as soon as he was old enough to understand helping…
Drew Barrymore and Anjelica Huston were amazing in Ever After. Still my favorite telling on the Cinderella story. <3
We've made our home an open and safe space. Kiddo, 16 years, still comes to me if he thinks someone is being creepy online. I've spoken to his gamer friends, and they all seem nice and get the rules. :)
You can purchase a suppressor (check the laws in your state regarding ownership), but making one takes some practice, especially if you're looking for accuracy and something that will last. There are some pretty good tutorials online. My son and I spent a few days making suppressors with extra PVC pipe for plastic…
I was thinking more in terms on a personal level, of things I might be able to do to help someone. Like, I have a single neighbor living next to me. Her husband died a few years ago, and she was getting lonely now and then. She moved here to be closer to her daughter and grandchildren, but she still gets lonely…
My knee-jerk reaction is to think how can anyone be so stupid, but really I have to wonder how we can help others not be so lonely they're willing to grasp onto even those who will hurt them.
She took the phone out her shirt after ironing it. This phone is so damned thin you won't even notice it when you iron over it, possibly destroying it by applying direct heat. The message I'm taking is that this phone is not for people who frequently leave phones in their pockets.
Thank you for this. I needed a good laugh, and I just spit water all over the monitor.
While I don't think it's always sexism at work, I do think that is a problem sometimes. Bloodrayne, after all, did have the Juggy Dance Mode cheat. That was clearly done for the pure boob jiggling entertainment factor. Mind you, it did not stop me from using the code and laughing my ass off while playing.
Yeah, I wondered how many little kids cried if they happened to hear this.
Husband is a programmer for a dating mining company, and he says this sums up his job perfectly.
Not a fan of The Sound of Music, but she sings beautifully. I've always been amazed by Gaga's talent in voice and piano.
Sounds like my dog. He'd eat the house down to the foundation if he didn't walk at least two miles a day.
I'm guessing he's been neutered, but neutering and genetics play a big role in that belly flap male kitties get. Sounds like what you have on your hands is a happy and loved kitty! While I'm sorry your friendship didn't work out for the better, I am glad you were able to ditch the negativity.