
Dex is four and still puppyish. Sounds like a fair assessment of the breed to me!

It honestly depends on your baby is what our pediatrician always told us. She said he'd let us know when he was ready for solids by showing interest in solid foods, and if he never expressed any, offer it once he got started getting teeth. She'd say babies develop at different rates, and they're usually pretty good

Squeeeeee! Golden puppies make my day. Our baby isn't a puppy anymore, but he's still a sweetheart.

I always thought she was gorgeous, but that 2005 pic and dress? Holy shit, she wears that beautifully. Some people can wear red. I'm not one of them, but damn I love that dress. It's classic and pretty. I'm not even a dress person.

Damn, no one should have to experience that, especially coming from a medical professional. I'm really sorry that happened to you.

This is one of those crazy making debates like working moms versus stay at home moms. That shit drives me bonkers. Many of us in the US are so fortunate simply because we do have choices available to ourselves. Now let's just let everyone live their own lives and try to be kind to one another along the way. Maybe

I didn't need to use formula. My son was solely breastfed for a little over a year, and then he became interested in food and slowly weaned himself around two years of age. That said, people really need to just let others live their own lives. Children can and do thrive on formula. Some moms have great luck with

Yes, Leonard Lake and his partner Charles Ng did record several of their victims while they were still alive, but they never recorded themselves in the act of murdering someone. Those two gave me nightmares after reading about them. I don't know much about the STL case. From what little I've read about it that one

The nicest thing ever was realizing, "Holy shit! This is my wedding. I don't have to do any of the bits I don't like!" In the end it was a small wedding with a short reception that included this punch my mom makes that doesn't have sherbet floating in it. Plus cake. Really simple stuff.

There may be an individual who's recorded murdering someone for their own personal use, but the idea of the underground snuff film industry is still a myth.

Oh, cool! I didn't know she'd written a book. Thanks for the info!

I really like Laverne Cox. She's always strikes me in interviews as such a warm person who is genuine. It makes her tremendously likable. It's my hope Hollywood continues to recognize her talents and we get to see more of her in future projects because she's an awesome actress.

While pregnant with my son, way back in 1997, I was doing a web search about pregnancy and lactation, specifically during pregnancy because I was having a problem, blah, blah, medical stuff. The first site that came up looked like it had articles about the subject, and when I clicked the link extremely graphic and

Yes, I do realize it's not meant literally. I should have been clearer in my response and said what I was saying I was only applying to myself, no one else. Being a parent has never been something I think about as a job for myself. Choosing to stay at home isn't a job for me either. It's simply never been the way

As a SAHM who homeschools/unschools my kid, I have had days feeling like I am doing far too many jobs, and then I remind myself this isn't a job. It's my life. It's what I want to do and devote myself to doing because nothing makes me happier than seeing that moment on my son's face when he "gets it". That math

Oh jeez! Both of these kitties have jumped onto the stove and shoved their faces into the gas burner. What is with cats and fire? They're so damned fast, too, just right there and suddenly looking up with flaming whiskers, arrrrgh! They're both fine, and they haven't done that again, thankfully.

It's weird, at least to me, because it doesn't bother me with kittens at all. We have two kittens in the house, and one is really little, the runt. They were dumped and malnourished, and it's going to take time to get them good and healthy. They're into everything, but they never really seem helpless like puppies

The picnic scene didn't bother me so much, but the little kid getting taken and then screaming in the cage? Nope. Every face I've ever seen on a milk carton flashed in front of me.

Chuck E. Cheese terrifies me, not that clowns or people in large animal costumes are ever something I want around me, but something about that frigging rat is too much. Cold chills whenever my brother wanted to go there when we were kids.

I was raised where everything had to be in its place outside my room, same for my brother. What we did to our rooms was fine, but there was a caveat. My mom would tell us both not to expect her to shut our doors or clean up our messes for us if we were going to be slovenly, and she always said, "I'm not your maid,