Lawyer Cat

Mine too. I’m just amazed that Kara isn’t up to her usual “dismiss everyone who doesn’t praise her rubbish”.

She kinda had to put that in there, since it turned out Mike Brown wasn’t an angel and yet the BLM movement still feels compelled to pretend like he was. Hedging your bets and all that.

She’s safe in Manhattan and she’ll blog all about it. Revolutions need both foot soldiers and leaders, dontchaknow!?

If they are shot while burning down the stores, we can use that shooting as more proof that the police hate black people!

Are white people also to blame for the enormous black on black crimes rates as well? White people to blame for Chiraq being a den of crime and drugs?

“And maybe, yes, Harris did open fire on the police first! But the fact remains that no matter who fired the first shot, the entire incident was a direct result of the aggression and continued escalation of tensions by the police in Ferguson.”

Clearly, burning down the stores must take top priority in the fight for social justice.

I bet if the KKK were running around setting shit on fire in order to “draw attention to their cause”, the author of this article wouldn’t be so sympathetic.

And again, “Burn down the stores”

“Truly, how are we still here?”

I wish she would tell her precious snowflakes to put the guns down. 45 people were shot in Chicago this weekend (and none of them involved a police shooting).

Get the fuck over yourself

Just stopped by to see if Kara was shouting at anyone in all caps today.

Kara has been a huge inspiration to me in terms of, man, lots of things. Totally agree with her posts and they make me think.

Don’t forget about the looting.

Boring race-baiting article.

So I say this: Burn down the stores. Sag your pants. Blast your music...

Burning things down? OK then what if they start with your home? You OK with that?

Your last sentence was interesting, and I found it pretty hard to check.