Lawyer Cat

Stop white people from what? Robbing stores and assaulting cops, like Michael Brown did?

Does the exhibit include his strong arm robbery of a convenience store, or him punching the cop in the head and trying to grab his gun before he got shot?

Here lies a violent criminal that tried to grab a police officer’s gun. Let this be a lesson to you.

...I’m assuming that this is not, in fact, his actual corpse, yes?

...34 is “middle-aged”? I hope you drop your next donut.

Of the incoming members, less than 25 percent are minorities

Isn’t the Tour de France on tomorrow? So this isn’t even correct, prima facie.

Huh? What’s going on? And why do people feel the need to expose conversations for the world to see?

I think they know the “block” function doesn’t generate free publicity.

He turned Nintendo around from the brink. Twice. You’re just an idiot, really. There’s a difference to making bad decisions and taking risks. He took risks. Most paid off, some didn’t.

Someone died and your response is this? Have you been so inundated with the emotionless Internet culture that you would even type something like this? Shame on you.

I originally read this as she survived but also killed her husband. O.o

You sir, win the internet today. I wish more people actually did research on things instead of taking what they read at face value. Being sheep is easier I guess.

Yes, it was a complicated situation and everyone should hold off judgement until all the facts come out. I was shocked when I read this story here as it is extremely biased and makes my hometown look like a bunch of racist dumbasses. The fact that the lady considered using a stun gun against police should have been

It seems like the the more about this matter comes out, the more the narrative shifts to look like: a) the cops didn’t really use excessive force or otherwise behave unreasonably; and b) that the mother was a far more unreasonable and aggravating element of this situation than either the pool or the police.

Funny, I originally was going to make this a reply to you since your posts are the most reasonable and thought out. To answer your question about where the mom was at, she was actually there with them until she ran home to grab a pair of swim trunks. It was when she returned that all of this happened...

I live up the street from the Aquatic Center and have lived in the area my entire life. I’m as liberal as the next person here but this article is extremely misleading. I am not here to say the police did nothing wrong (I wasn’t there) but rather to share a lot of facts you left out about the incident which paints a

In all honesty, I feel bad for these cops. All of them were screaming and resisting arrest. Just shut up and let go of the cage. If they were white, my stance would be exactly the same, but then again, no one would have even seen this video.

How many times have Gawker media properties posted naked pictures of boys/men on their site without consent? You have no leg to stand on here.