OK, I had to go back and read the caption under the mug shots to find the second woman.
OK, I had to go back and read the caption under the mug shots to find the second woman.
That’s my sole disagreement with the removal of all the racist monuments. I think we should just relocate them to their own little hall of shame and use their stories to educate people on who they were, why they were wrong, and how their legacy has fucked things up even hundreds of years after their deaths. If we…
Years ago at my corporate job, I entered the ladies room at the same time as a white coworker. We were the only ones in there, and we exchanged pleasantries as she got a tampon out of the dispenser. We both walked into our respective stalls. When we exited our stalls, I stopped at the sinks, she kept walking out of…
I’ve run out adjectives for these two low-lifes.
Right. I said the same thing before I saw your comment. They must think everybody is dumb as hell and will believe whatever crap they tell them.
A reporting program is also only as good as the person inputting the data.
Exactly this! They were getting their lie together.
Well that explains aLOT.
And even if you do think Rand Paul is your friend, WHY did you find it necessary to bring it up? Dang, you are going out of your way to suck up.
Thank you for this.
I’m OK with smashing up cop cars.
I’m glad that the people of Louisville are persistent in their quest for justice for Breonna Taylor. The passage of this law is a step in the right direction. Now they need to keep their foot on the DA’s neck until those cops who killed her are arrested.
Yes Fred Flintstone, most of the violence during the protests was planned and organized, but you failed to mention the involvement of right wing extremists and law enforcement.
Exactly. He is also charged with manslaughterm, so if the procecution does even a half-assed job he will get some time. Then once he’s sent to prison, he will be gone in a week’s time. I don’t care how they try to isolate him. An inmate (who’s probably in for life) who doesn’t gaf will get to him and end him.
Dang I wish this case had initially received as much national attention as Ahmaud and Floyd. Black womens’ lives matter too.
It’s called projection.
“...he’s in a wheelchair because of his major fuckup just after high school where he antagonized someone in a bar who ended up shooting him in the neck and paralyzing him.”