She’s adorable! Beautiful picture. I’m glad she was able to do a special photoshoot since she had to miss picture day for something that wasn’t her fault.
The $50,000 settlement is bullshit, but at least they got something... I guess...
Joe Biden is not a Boomer. Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964, as part of the “baby boom” that happened in the U.S. after the soilders returned home after WW2 ended in 1945. Joe was born in 1942. He’s a part of The Silent Generation that falls in between The Greatest Generation and The Baby Boomers.
Garrett messed up by using the helmet as a weapon. Had he clocked Rudolph with his fist it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal. Basically, Garrett forgot that he was at his job and acted like he was fighting some fool on the street or in a bar.
That was a dumb move by Garrett. He was one of the Browns’ best players and best defenders, and now he’s suspended for (at least) the remainder of the season. Whatever glimmer of playoff hopes they may have had is gone now.
This reminds me of when T.O. put himself on display in an open workout. We see how that worked out for him...
I agree with Vivica. Just let it be. Issa is more than capable of doing an original heist film.
Yep. My mom was about that life back in her day, so she recognized it in Whitney and peeped her game right off the bat.
Awww, this made my heart smile. Congrats to the beautiful couple!
Reason number 985723 why I cant’t stand Walmart. That comment was so unnecessary. Damn.
To be fair, Hillary has been using hot sauce and and carrying it on her person way before Bey got into Formation. She put it on most of her food, even salad, because she believe it helped her stay healthy. When Slick Willie was president, Hillary kept had an impressive collection of hotsauce bottles at the ready on…
I know a few black women who support Curried Caligula and will vote for him AGAIN based on abortion alone. They are so far gone I’ve stopped trying to talk sense into them.
I am STILL laughing at that!
I like Ikea. But I only buy knick-knacks or other such household accesories. I dont mess with their furniture. I mean, Ikea furniture is fine for a college graduate’s first apartment, or a young couple’s starter home. But between my above-average sized husband, my still-growing teenage son and my crazy ass dog, an…
Church’s chicken is prison swole. It just ain’t natural and I refuse to eat it.