Exactly. I would bet my shoe shopping allowance that this heffa wouldn’t even think about hugging a black person that was just convicted of murder in her courtroom.
Exactly. I would bet my shoe shopping allowance that this heffa wouldn’t even think about hugging a black person that was just convicted of murder in her courtroom.
Wow! I had no idea. To be honest, I never understood 3/4 of what was being said, and was just caught up in the funky bass and the beat.
Awww, how cute! Love the song (that was my jam), and I loved to watch the show back in the day.
When I saw a headline for this story on another site, then clicked on the video, the woman was ...not ....who I was expecting to see....
That headline sounds like something from The Onion. So, thinking it was hyperbole, I read the article.
Wow, I was wrong.
Definitely “Some stupid shit I did involved my hair getting cut and now I got to think fast.”
OMG! First the little black girl gets beat up on the school bus, now THIS?
Melanie is too busy tryna figure out how to dump Dumpy once he’s out of office and still get paid.
This is why I refuse to watch this trial. It’s just too much....
This dip wad is freaking in. sane.
I told my son to pay attention, because he is witnessing history.
That boy is dumb as hell.