This is great! I can’t wait see it.
In a perfect world, the Obamas would buy one of the Orange Goblin’s failing businesses, completely redo and rebrand it, and turn it into a mega money-maker. That would send the Mandarin Menace into a tizzy he’d NEVER come out of.
I didn’t want him to run in the first place. He is too old. And so is Sanders. And so is Warren, but she is a woman and on average we live longer than men, so she is the exception here.
Yet another instance of the best people trying their best to be best.
And now the squatter in chief lets his racist flag fly once again...
Dang it. Where did those onions come from? And who’s cutting them?
Congratulations to the beautiful couple!
Damn shame. They both need to rot in jail forever.
Wait, what?!! I never heard about that.
Good grief! How do they expect people who have lost EVERYTHING, so suddenly, to have documentation? Yes, I know you’re supposed to keep important papers in a ziplock and stashed somewhere safe in case of emergency, but, like hurricanes, shit happens. Geez, have some compassion.
Nor do I. However I sometimes refer to the malignant mango as the alleged president.
Good for Hampton. Way to step up for Bahamian students.
Dang Kamala.
This scene will NEVER not be funny.
Definitely a step in the right direction for Walmart. I will give them that. Let’s hope Congress heeds their call and does the right thing by banning assault weapons sales.