I have to agree. I saw Bohemian Rhapsody and I enjoyed it. I’m also a fan of Queen- loved their music when I was in high school. And while the movie had its moments and Rami Malek was excellent, I don’t think it is oscar worthy. That said, I wasn’t surprised when it was nominated.
Yep. Sad but true.
Yep. Sad but true. Black women are held to a different standard than black men. Ciara is still getting hate because she upgraded from Future to Russell, even though it was Future who cheated on her. And folks are still caping for him. Madness.
I have no doubt that the Buzzfeed report is true. As stated in said report, Mueller knows the truth and has evidence in the form of corroborating witnesses, emails, and a “cache” of documents to back it up. I’m betting that the tangerine turd will be flushed out of the white house before the end of spring.
This is what happens when the mean girl from middle school is president. And apparently her little clique is the presidential administration. Because just like in middle school, no one in the mean girl clique is going to tell her she’s wrong for fear of being booted out of the group and becoming the next target.
This is how white people and men and straight people get to scream about identity politics all day while ostensibly making it all about their identity.
Part of her trip was to include meeting with NATO. It would not surprise me in the least if the Marmalade MAGAt pulled this stunt at the behest of his boss, Putin. Nothing would please him more than if the U.S. pulled out of NATO all together.
The diligent Jasperson scrolling through the town’s expenses on the regular tells me that she has had it in for the mayor for a while, and was looking for something to pin on her. With that said, it was mighty bold of the mayor and mayor pro-tem to expense their personal outing, as I seriously doubt there was any…
Sade is a goddess. She’s my cotemporary (I was in college when she hit the scene in the early 80's), but I still want to be like her when I grow up.
I’m just a lay person, but it seems to me like the bill metes out harsher punishment for a crime that already has a harsh punishment. Cop killers don’t fare well as it is, so all this bill will do is make their lot even worse. I don’t see where the bill itself gives cops more carte blanche than they already have to…
Pelosi’s troll game is SKRONG.
Not only can I not stand the sight of him, the mere sound of his voice is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.
Pelosi’s troll game is SKRONG.
Exactly. Back pay doesn’t mean squat when your car note, mortgage/rent, light, water and gas bills are due RIGHT NOW. It really irks me that this is not being emphasized in the media reporting.
Candice suffered an “inability to think clearly”...