
“I guess, but I’m also pretty sure that what she describes is the literal definition of Stockholm Syndrome.”

I’m going to be honest, I think this is a very tough movie to talk about with a feminist perspective, because it’s hard to talk about the wrinkles and nuances in the characters without sounding like you are in some sense either dismissing the text itself, or minimizing the issues on display.

I never really bought the Stockholm Syndrome argument; isn’t it to do with a prisoner being treated (relatively) better than other prisoners and feeling “special” because of it?

Who said it was offensive to Japanese people? I’ve read all the comments on this post and no one has said that. I think that you just constructed a straw-man as an excuse to brag about you special “knowledge.”

Let’s take the word “racist” out of this conversation. This photo shoot is “cultural appropriation.” Cultural appropriation is NOT any and all cultural borrowing. It is cultural borrowing that takes place within a context where one culture dominates another. In this case we are talking about the culture of New York

Racism is not just the belief that a race is beneath yours. It’s a system of oppression. Cultural appropriation is racist. And it’s one thing to think a kimono is hip, it’s another to dress up and situate yourself in a culture that is not your own. This is especially egregious now because there is a wealth of

Your move, Gigi.

I don’t know. Thinking another race’s culture is yours for the taking kind of implies that you think their people are beneath you.

Can’t trust either of them, the only one who had the steel spine was Hillary, for the rest, their principles are just shtick.

He literally said goodbye the night before. All on his own time, lol.

I had the same thoughts, but someone pointed out that he’s hamming it up for the camera and that’s when she seems “honey I love you but”

If you can, watch the stream. The announcers are so much better. Courtney Coupets (2004 Olympian) and Johnathon Horton (2012). They're young, they know what they're talking about and they make a concerted effort to not say stupid sexist shit.

So what’s the diagnosis for Trump’s inability to form a coherent sentence? Lolololol...

I’ll be happy when this election is over and we can go back to... oh shit, that’s right. They’ll be pulling the same shit they did on Obama for 8 more years. UGH.


I can’t.

Never too early to bust this one out. Have a nice day, everybody.

i watch clips with my headphones plugged in, but not in my ears

I think we can all agree that at best NBC commentators are useless and at worst they’re just so abhorrent. Sometimes, the “commentary” makes it hard to watch the games.