catch the beast


Awesome one! I was wondering if the first might be from the Alabama Freedom March.

Where is the first photo from?

Same here, it does nothing for me.

This is nice to read as a counter to all the negative things they say about cat behavior. For instance: they only rub up against you because they are marking their territory, that they only sleep cuddled next to you because you are warm...and that they infect your brain with a parasite that makes you think you love

Agreed! Why would anyone want to know their interviewer’s morning routine outside of work? Also:

Pretty similar to my thought process there too...down to the eating disorder part. My parents never even bothered setting a curfew for me, even though my older sister had one!

Roommates, and I don’t live in a fancy-schmancy development. My monthly rent is near 1/5 of that.

Ugh, I remember that stupid segment. Racist asshole.

I bring my own snacks on the plane. It’s kind of incredible that they can make us pay for that and make it seem so enticing. Wasteful single-serve packaging and free advertising for the snack companies? No thanks.

Atheists were almost absent from our prison population as of the late 1990s, comprising less than half of 1% of those behind bars, according to Federal Bureau of Prisons statistics. This echoes what the criminology field has documented for more than a century — the unaffiliated and the nonreligious engage in far

This just looks like a B2B business conference gimmick and nothing to get excited over.

How is this a real animal? How did I go so long without knowing they exist?

What companies out there are allowing all women the day off?

If you are eating next to nothing, you aren’t “managing” anything at all.

It stands for “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.” It’s the catch-all for those that fall outside of the criteria of the other eating disorders - which can be problematic for someone seeking treatment because it is such a broad category. Unsurprisingly, it’s also the most commonly diagnosed.

I’ve struggled with anorexia and bulimia (“bulimarexic” is not a real term as far as I am aware). I went to one of those for-profit treatment centers. It was also a Christian facility (that is a whole other story though). I saw women sent home who weren’t ready for it because their insurance stopped paying. My

I don’t think it’s right to speculate about mental illness unless you are a mental health professional and he’s a patient of yours. What’s clear is that he’s an egotistical, selfish, racist and sexist asshole, only interested in himself, rather than the people in this country. That’s what should disqualify him. There

Definitely will watch this.

Actually, there are genetic indicators of race, but it’s not as exact as many would think. Take a look at the National Geographic genealogy project.