
I am so, so sorry for your loss, and I hope your family is suing the shit of your mom's killer. :-(


NO to both, LOL. I've seen those octopus, uh, meals—did any tentacles get stuck to your cheeks as the creature tried to escape? LOL

Was she a preemie? My daughter was only a couple weeks early, but she had some downy hair on her ears and little nickname for her was Monkey Girl. It didn't stay around for very long, thank goodness. :-)

Poor thing. I hope she recovers and then gets the helps she needs. It's sad that the people around did nothing to help her. Something is not right with that picture.

Wow, you sound like an awesome friend! It seems like from what I have watched, read, and heard that everyone who accompanies a bride dress shopping seems to be projecting *their* desires (for whatever reason). Bottom line is it's the bride's day and the bride's choice. A friend's job is to make sure she looks great

Best of luck to you, Rebecca. I will miss your writing!

I don't have to Google that dress because I remember it! :-) I wasn't trying to be sexy in my dress (hell, I had lace and gauze up to my neck), but I ended up looking sexy because I got period boobs right before the wedding (on top of my already big boobs), so they were "trapped" and I had cleavage like crazy,

When I was getting married back in '89, this was exactly the reason I didn't take my mother with me. In fact, I chose to go by myself. I didn't want anyone raining on my wedding-dress parade, so to speak. If anyone hated my dress, they kept it to themselves. As an aside, I have it preserved and it's actually not

"Sex feet" that a new tag, or is there already something filed under it? :-O

They want to inflict maximum pain, more than likely. Monsters.

No pubes allowed...they probably do inspections, too.


From a legal standpoint, depending on the charge, it might.

His penis certainly didn't have a blackout. ASSHOLE.

You should! As an aside, I hate when people call assholes like these "animals." Animals would never do such terrible things.

Wonder how many women/girls the dad has raped...great role model, DAD.

Someone needs to send him a glitter bomb.

Embroidery scissors, perhaps? ;-)

"A fool and his [her] money are soon parted."