This story is still fucking confusing. The only thing that *is* crystal clear is that this woman is a real piece of work. Her story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
This story is still fucking confusing. The only thing that *is* crystal clear is that this woman is a real piece of work. Her story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
You know, considering they're supposed to be selling their clothes to REAL WOMEN, one would think they would actually use models who are different sizes and body shapes, similar to the people who might purchase their clothing. I know, CRAZY, right????
Seriously, who the hell cares what they think? FFS
She chose to end her life with as little pain as possible, with as much dignity as possible, and she wanted to spare both herself and her loved ones a terrible death. For all you haters, go look up what happens at the end of someone's life who is suffering from incurable brain cancer. Then, if you don't agree, go…
This kid is average looking. He's only a model because of his parents. Plus, he looks like a fool with that comb.
This seems off. If they're planning their funerals wouldn't they be meeting with a funeral director, perhaps? When I think "estate planning" I think probate attorney. Sorry, worked in the biz too long, I suppose.
Maybe TLC should vet the people they are going to make into reality stars; before these disgusting revelations, I thought the only thing this woman was guilty of was extreme tackiness.
Maybe the destination bride and groom don't care if many of their invited guests don't show up, but they better not get pissed off when many people who *do* matter don't attend, as well, simply because they don't have time or money, or both.
Gross? I thought it was pretty hilarious, actually!
That stuff is a miracle in a bottle!
It speaks volumes about both parties when one considers that both of them thought that moving out of state to be together (moving in together, perhaps?) was a fantastic idea, even though they had never met in person.
If this is true, it's fucking sickening. If someone had sexually assaulted my daughter, they'd been spending the rest of their miserable life in the county morgue. Disgusting!
I guess Jude Law did not get the "condoms over the banana" routine in high school.
Since when do these assholes give a fuck about women?
I agree. I never realized how much sleeves made dresses uniquely different from each other until they all basically disappeared from runways and weddings.
Wow, this is gorgeous!
Oh man, don't I know it. What is really strange is that practically right after I had my baby, it was like someone had taken that hunger switch and flipped it in shut-off mode. I simply was not hungry after giving birth like I'd been while pregnant.
Oh man, that happened to me back in the day!!
It wasn't that long ago I found out it's possible to cook chicken in a toaster oven...AS LONG AS IT'S NOT WRAPPED IN PARCHMENT PAPER. Um, yeah.