Not comparing the two in that manner, jesus your ability to comprehend the written word has always been unimpressive.
Not comparing the two in that manner, jesus your ability to comprehend the written word has always been unimpressive.
oh fuck you and your troll posts. Taking things out of context and finding your own narrative in someone else's words.
I came here as I felt a disturbance in the force when thousands of animatronic beings cried out in terror.
its like ghostbusters 2, except worse… and evil wins. Fucking Viggo.
I think he loves his dad. Without Daddy's money he'd be nothing but a Drumpf
Black people? Sorry they don't get no birth certificates in these Utterlyfucked States of America. Not no more, those were the good times… when we used to believe it was just a matter of time before all the racists died. Sigh. 2016 is looking at us all going "Look, I knew I wasn't the worst year you would all remember"
Confused upvote.
Twitter should have an ad like this. "Don't like twitter? Join it and change the world. Make Trump Resign 2017"
hey did you know that Trump knows Cville better than anyone? Like he owns a house there. Not sure if you knew it or not.
I see it as early saturday morning, " I hereby announce my resicovfefe", and that was that folks, he literally had a stroke.
I love Stan. This is the sort of guy I like to pretend my granddad's would be if they were alive today, instead of the racist assholes all people seem to think grandparents naturally must be. My grandparents fought fucking Nazis, they wouldn't are what color your skin is or your religious affiliation as long as you…
America is the trend setter, or, the variety killer. For example, we set the trend that multicultural is awesome, and now we kill it.
Its not satire. Its comedians desperately begging people to wake up and stop laughing because its not funny any more. This is about the most political they can get without simply telling everyone to protest or riot.
Troll blocked. Honestly, you are a waste of time.
I'll repeat my sentence I made earlier (which boggles the mind of the me from a year ago who thought violence against a president is unbelievable) and say Please Die now Mr President. Please. Thank you, (formerly sane) Americans everywhere.
when did you get that impression? I'm an educated moderate in many ways but I'm also crazy radical in my own ways (a peaceful radical). I think we should use Confucian like exams from ancient china to make sure our potential leaders can actually use reason and logic. 90% of the Republican party would be unable to run.
I'm a foreign born individual, it'll fit into their narrative. I'd make it worse. Though I am white and affluent so maybe… no.. they only like stupid affluent white people.
(urge to debate, warring with urge to yell at you = not going to say anything except for you are fucking stupid)
thanks for that. Just in case I needed another obvious reminder of what a dipshit he is.
also, I'm sure he wouldn't have forgotten due to the practicality of needing non-racist votes. Just saying…