Catain America

Hi, not sure if any of you noticed but one of the main reasons wikileaks had such a powerful impact as it did in our last election, was because Snowden publicly undermined our political and intelligence systems under a democratic president… I'm not saying what he did when he released the information was wrong, but he

don't do it! you've already wasted too much time on someone who obviously would not do well with sciences or maths. Or logic, and instead lives in a world where if his friend tells him something it must be true.

god you should have seen the shitshow I just witnessed on facebook with this. A game developer took sides against the whole white men of Gamergate saga, and predictably was attacked by hundreds of sadly upset white, single, lonely gamers. I think I must have been the only white male to defend the company. Must be

fair enough. I mean I feel the same way about modern American politics. Which is distressing when I'm forced to choose sides between corrupt corporate influences (and greed) over our political system. I then grow even more distressed when I see people just raise their arms in the air and declare both sides are equal

NO! I love any thunder god which gives me more thunder, and I like thunder in places when I'm not even having any thunder… speaking of which… check this cool image of lightning out!…

well as a female cardassian you would know all about twisted plots now wouldn't you. That's like a double whammy right there. =p

damn right it isn't I had so much fun building it with my nephew, but we couldn't agree on page 57 which frankly looked just like page 12, and 35 but we could only have two towers, so I didn't know where the third was going… and we just went at it. The tower didn't survive but we did have a helluva an argument. Would

In short I was obliquely disagreeing with the comparison because of the same issues you raised (it was a witchhunt with some but minimal basis in reality!), but overall agreeing with the statement because of the hubbub surrounding Russia and the way the guy tried to frame his discrimination in scientific light for his

the way you phrase this makes it sound like you are on his side at the start. Then you do a 180 and seem to take his opponent's (rational free thinkers) side. In short, choose a side damnit or we will BURN YOU to the ground. Also, if you choose the wrong side we will still burn you. Choose wisely.

Yes because suddenly it is about me, and not the fact that he actually did more harm than good and that his values were obviously only skin deep.

I don't know about that entirely, I understand the point and agree with it overall. Yet in some cases(especially with western cultures) there are historical examples where entire countries have challenged this. (Though over time most -but not all - of those countries then fall victim to the same thing as the

In actual fact there are a number of places he could have gone. Or he could even have bit the bullet and done prison time for his beliefs. Rather than jump over to a country that does EVERYTHING he complained of AND MORE. Frankly? He is a hypocritical bastard who wants his cake and…

Hi there. I'm Mr. Obvious! I'm merely pointing out the fact that Russia is again a topic of political contention and when used to point out that people got attacked for their beliefs WITHOUT them publicly airing them or displaying them in such ways it is topical. Especially since the comment in question doesn't

Don't get ME started on Snowden. That dumb son of a bitch validated Russian propaganda for at least a decade.

Society swings between conservative thought and liberal thought dominance as a matter of form. Its almost human nature. When conservative thought rules, more liberal expressions become popular in the "subcultures" and the underground arenas. Then when those feelings and ideas burst open and become mainstream… all of a

hmmm. This statement has caused me to reanalyze my life. I'm not ONLY happy when it rains… but I do love rain. Especially thunder storms! does that make me even worse?

All those eggs in charge? you've got to be yolking me! *I'll see myself out now! good night everybody!*

I don't understand this joke.

there is definitely an argument to be made, and the McCarthy era is an unfortunate and apt comparison (well at least considering the political culture of our era) but you are right that there is a difference between a witchhunt, and someone proudly proclaiming they just cursed your kid and killed all your cattle. I

a group of protestors is surely a bing… I mean thats the sound they make when they bounce off the hood of my armored suv with tinted windows.