Casus Belli

I could watch him eat nothing but a sandwich, albeit slowly.

You can't spell brisket without a bris!

I've seen all the movies but have never read a page.
Happy Papi?

That was fun!

Back to the cave for me then…

Fully Sick.

I could watch Richard Kind eat all day everyday.

-What film starring Dwayne Johnson does Arnold Schwarzenegger briefly appear in?

This shit was fucking dope.
Much better than the first season, deep album cuts.
I can't wait to rip enough cones to erase it from my memory so I can rewatch in bliss.


Mad Bull 34.

Streetfighter 2 anime is still the best fighting game adaptation around. Everything clicks into place wonderfully. Mortal Kombat is pretty good, but I reckon Dead or Alive is the pick of the live action adaptations. Its one big cartoon with volleyball and ninjas and Eric Roberts wearing magical sunnies.

Oh I find it very frightening.There's this wonderful claustrophobic body horror dread that just does my head in!
Also Farrow was (unsuspectingly?) great in last weeks Documentary Now.

Also, I am not a robot.

It does! It does!

Yeah it's a bit boring or meditative or whatever but thats cool, I reckon if youse binge a few eps at once it will go down better. Really dope all over great peformances and spectacular music selection. Scuks that AVC didn't give it a critical boost ala Mr Robot I fear it might've flown a tad too low under the radar

Oh shit! With that freaking centipede?

Tenebre is sick.
Burns the shit out of Suspiria I reckon.

Quarry is hella dope.

Except different country, and local council.
Although the dude I voted for, who is now looking to be the first Green Mayor, turns out I used to rip cones with way back when.