Casus Belli

So Reddings cover?

An old flame is preggers and her fellas twitter timeline alternates between ultrasounds and pokemon achievements.

Rogue Sriracha Hot Stout Beer.

Oh shit. Fuck.

Made pulled pork, ramjah & saffron pilaf burritos last night so guess I'm using my standing desk today.

This is really cool, thanks for going to the trouble.

The last film I saw in the 90s was End of Days.
NYE 99.
I thought that was cool.

Schrodingers spoiler.

This is elegant.

Also, dong.

I got this joke.

Rewatched Blow-Out yesterday.
Shits tip top.

Dope piece,
Thanks team!

It's Dune all over again.

It actually would play heaps better binged, like the first season of The Last Man On Earth.
So maybe give that a go.

Fukn Preacher man. Jesus fuck, this is more excruciating than Caprica.

Yeah dope, please do.

Also, splosh porn.

Sick thanks dude. I'll get around it.

Hey dude sorry to butt in but these sound dope af.