Casus Belli

*toilet flush

True story: I signed the bring back Hannibal petition and now some dude named Carlos keeps sending me emails i can't work out how to dead.

Hey dude, this is a series of mixes of these 80s training montage songs.

Ugh. Sudeklis in Jordans.

Best Dressed?

I wept like a big dumb baby during Betty Davies Eyes.
Powerful film, great acting.
Just wish the execution of the homage was tighter.

I was raised on Seinfeld.

Just clicked play on it for the first time cos I asked a girl I've been sort of seeing if she wanted to come over for a proper yakitori grill tonight and she ghosting me so instead I'm drinking wine chainsmoking and ordering an irresponsible amount of chinese. You're right though, it is amazing.

Will on Gil.
Riveting work as per usual!

Thanks for all your hard work mate!

Yeah his Batman run pretty much needs footnotes or whatever. Someone on here posted this ages ago and I found it to be a big help.

Um well I recall the villain with cool sunnies lactating magic evil breast milk that her servant drank to get more eviler in The Invisibles first trade and that was on Vertigo so, you were halfway there!

Yeah Limitless is way doper than it oughta be. The visual styling is very inventive and the plots and sub-plots are fun without being draggy.
But to be perfectly honest, it is what it is - a stylish snappy procedural. I'm not sure it lends itself to weekly reviews. Although I think it does deserve some recognition

So wack. I'm actually ashamed of my city for this one. If you're going to commit to a theme, commit. And besides, the owner is a total basketcase c word. This place will be shut in 10 months.

This what you're after mate?

Awesome! Thanks for that. I feel like every comment here has to have at least some snark, we are of course where we are, but onya for getting where you got. You're right, it IS a lot of hard work and you're living what so many of us here can only dream of. Thats fully sick. I'm going to memorize your etiquette guide

Sub out salt for cocaine rimmed Bloody Marys and you'll be right as rain.

Yeah I did a shit-ton of coke and whiskey and binged Bojack Horseman.
It was … not good.

I feel like this was a long winded way to inform us your t-shirts are fitting your form finally.

I once dated a lady who would only do coke if it was off a public toilet seat, and would only blow me if it was in public.