Casus Belli

Heres $450,000. Go buy a star war.


Yeah I'm good either way, but as it stands now I'm going to lump Review in with Fawlty Towers, Spaced and Party Down. Just perfection.

Emily L. Stephens really blew my mind with that.


Yeah I caught Bam in 04 or 05. Shit was dreadful. The highlight was when he asked for audience members to get on stage to freestyle and one of the bussies got up and killed it.

Yeah my dad has a stack of these from the 70s.
Pretty decent reading.

No sarcasm.

Thats a real good point.
Good one.

Anyone know of any good fanedits that splice in the deleted scenes back into the film?

Seeing a movie sober is a fools errand nowadays.

Ironically I developed a light RSI from sexting her so my doctor suggested I stop and just watch porn to loosen up my stiff muscles.

Frank Drebin: In the backyard, with my uncle.

A loose acquaintance I used to sext started an international athiest church.

Holy shit yes I saw that in year 10 we had to do an essay on it.
I think I got a C-.

Silders was a dope as show.

Have you seen 'No Heroics'? Its a British comedy series from 2008, I think it only lasted for a season but its a similar take on the day to day lives of superheroes and people with powers. Set in a pub because its British. Its very funny and you would be remiss to not check it out of youtube at least. Remiss I say!

I never actually stopped calling him Puff so this works out very well for me!

And didn't Blade 2 pull this same schtick as well?

Reese Witherspoons finest hour.