
That's probably the most efficient shot he's ever taken.

Upsetting, but the sight of Zach Randolph at Cracker Barrel Saturday night dousing his face with a bucket of gravy was truly devastating.

Remember when Derrick Rose was a thing?

This article should include a link back to the Josh Leuke post from a few weeks ago. The same ideas of why people should continue to remind him lie here as well.

Oh, you don't need to parse anything out for me. I was just curious about what sorts of violence you deem acceptable to laugh at.

What kind of "funny" fight videos do you like?


I skipped some parts too, but social guests are classified as licensees i.e. they have permission to be on the property. Black revoked the status when she told Pink to get off of the property and Pink refused, resulting in Pink being a known trespasser. It's similar to a guest staying at your house after the party and

I wold guess it depends on the state, I'm guessing Florida because...Florida, amirite?

I know a lot of hiptsers who like hockey.

Remember UEFA will fine you more for wearing the wrong sponsors underwear than they will for racist chants.

hey cool joke hahahahahaha

Still not sure what drew the ire of the Atletico players. The drop kick of the ball into the crowd? Diop's engaging with the fans in the corner?

I used to think The Doors were singing "Let Me Two Time"

Back in the day, I knew somebody that thought MC Hammer was saying "Intestines" instead of "Can't Touch This". Being the name of the song, I don't understand how he could be so dumb.

Not every joke hits, it's clear that this one didn't. That didn't stop you from originally putting me in my place, despite your claim that you knew it was a pun.

Please, it's Joey. And you don't get it either.

Well I'd like to see the originals as well, but I like me some RZA.