Well since I was a total fucking pro at Pokemon Snap growing up, and now I'm an adult and every picture on my Instagram account looks like someones last known photograph…no, they can't.
Well since I was a total fucking pro at Pokemon Snap growing up, and now I'm an adult and every picture on my Instagram account looks like someones last known photograph…no, they can't.
Oh man, I loved Stick of Truth, such a great RPG while also being a hilarious parody of RPGS. It's actually pretty short too, so even if you're struggling to find time for it, you can probably blow through the story in a couple of days. Protip: Butters is best companion.
I don't think I've ever created a Souls character that has had enough HP to survive a Mimic grab, that shit sucks.
I think the NPC questlines, not the difficulty, are the most frustrating part of the Souls series. Like, to see Siegwards questline to the end you have to buy the Tower Key, get trapped by Patches, find Patches again and let him live, find some random well in the Cathedral of the Deep that Siegward is stuck in, find…
I feel like "Whirring" by the Joy Formidable needs to be in some epic Sci-Fi spaceship battle. Fuck it, why not Star Wars Episode IV's assault on the Death Star?
God, those weird giggles the Mimic Chests make freak me the fuck out. Hate those things. Anyways, I've been consumed by Dark Souls 3, just go to Lothric Castle. It took me almost 20 tries to kill the Crystal Sage, which apparently is the easiest boss in the game, but I blew through Aldrich in two, the Dancer took…
Previously on X-Men:
Is "Meaningless" underrated? Cause that song is the shit. Also "World Love."
That's funny you say that. I usually skipped that song but yesterday it randomly came on my iPod while I was on the subway and blew me away. That ending line "damn you, I've never stayed up as late as this" is just insane.
Patrice O'Neal called Fight Club "the white mans Scarface" and it's hard to disagree with him.
I liked Choke, I didn't realize it was so hated. Survivor was pretty decent but yea you nailed it, it just keeps going.
Can I drink him?
Made in Brooklyn and No Said Date are great fucking albums. U-God is shit though.
Don't forget Pugs, they look like some hideous monstrosity that you would fight in Dark Souls.
That Beaumont in the trunk/Strawberry Letter 23 scene is the fucking shit, so good. Honestly, it feels like the scene QT and SJ were destined to make together.
Dark Souls 3…currently alternating between the Smoldering Lake and Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. It's great, this is a fantastic game. I'm also very, very bad at it, and am too proud to summon anyone, so it's taking me a long long time to beat.
Spinal Remains or Angelfuck…really just all of Static Age, that album is perfect.
Does Trent Reznor ever call you, start laughing, and then hang up?
Oh no it wasn't, I just love bluntly stating my opinions.
"Untitled" is fucking amazing though.